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Continental philosophy
Contributed by: Wyatt
  • 1. Continental philosophy is a diverse and rich tradition in Western philosophy that emerged primarily in continental Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries. It is characterized by an emphasis on human experience, subjectivity, and the interconnectedness of culture, history, and society. Continental philosophers often engage with complex and abstract concepts, such as existentialism, phenomenology, hermeneutics, and critical theory. They explore the nature of existence, meaning, freedom, power, and ethics in ways that challenge traditional philosophical frameworks. Continental philosophy is known for its interdisciplinary approach, drawing on literature, art, psychology, and political theory to deepen our understanding of the human condition and the world we inhabit.

    Who is considered the founder of phenomenology?
A) Gilles Deleuze
B) Edmund Husserl
C) Michel Foucault
D) Jean-Paul Sartre
  • 2. Which philosopher is known for existentialism?
A) Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
B) Jean-Paul Sartre
C) David Hume
D) Immanuel Kant
  • 3. Who wrote the book 'Being and Time'?
A) Jean-Luc Nancy
B) Maurice Merleau-Ponty
C) Emmanuel Levinas
D) Martin Heidegger
  • 4. Who is associated with deconstructionism?
A) Alain Badiou
B) Slavoj Žižek
C) Jacques Derrida
D) Jean Baudrillard
  • 5. Which philosopher is known for the concept of 'the will to power'?
A) Friedrich Nietzsche
B) Alfred North Whitehead
C) Arthur Schopenhauer
D) Karl Marx
  • 6. Which philosopher is associated with the idea of 'the other'?
A) Simone de Beauvoir
B) Judith Butler
C) Emmanuel Levinas
D) Alain Badiou
  • 7. Which philosopher is known for the concept of 'Rhizome'?
A) Jean-Luc Nancy
B) Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari
C) Alain Badiou
D) Judith Butler
  • 8. Which philosopher is associated with the concept of 'the event'?
A) Alain Badiou
B) Judith Butler
C) Simone de Beauvoir
D) Giorgio Agamben
  • 9. Who is known for the concept of 'bio-politics'?
A) Slavoj Žižek
B) Michel Foucault
C) Hannah Arendt
D) Judith Butler
  • 10. Which philosopher is known for the concept of 'the society of the spectacle'?
A) Jean Baudrillard
B) Slavoj Žižek
C) Alain Badiou
D) Guy Debord
  • 11. Who wrote 'Phenomenology of Perception'?
A) Alain Badiou
B) Jean-Luc Nancy
C) Maurice Merleau-Ponty
D) Emmanuel Levinas
  • 12. Who is associated with 'the logic of sense'?
A) Paul Ricœur
B) Jacques Derrida
C) Gilles Deleuze
D) Judith Butler
  • 13. Which philosopher is known for the concept of 'the simulacrum'?
A) Jean Baudrillard
B) Slavoj Žižek
C) Alain Badiou
D) Giorgio Agamben
  • 14. Who is considered the father of existentialism?
A) Søren Kierkegaard
B) Jean-Paul Sartre
C) Friedrich Nietzsche
D) Immanuel Kant
  • 15. Which philosopher proposed the idea of 'the spirit of capitalism'?
A) Antonio Gramsci
B) Herbert Marcuse
C) Karl Marx
D) Max Weber
  • 16. Who is known for the idea of 'the banality of evil'?
A) Emmanuel Levinas
B) Jean-Paul Sartre
C) Hannah Arendt
D) Judith Butler
  • 17. Which philosopher is known for the concept of 'the sublime'?
A) Friedrich Nietzsche
B) Immanuel Kant
C) Jean Baudrillard
D) Søren Kierkegaard
  • 18. Which philosopher introduced the concept of 'the will to will'?
A) Martin Heidegger
B) Arthur Schopenhauer
C) Friedrich Nietzsche
D) Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
  • 19. Who introduced the concept of 'generative grammar'?
A) Judith Halberstam
B) Noam Chomsky
C) Giorgio Agamben
D) Martin Heidegger
  • 20. Who wrote 'The Postmodern Condition'?
A) Jean-François Lyotard
B) Hannah Arendt
C) Judith Butler
D) Emmanuel Levinas
  • 21. Who wrote 'The Second Sex', a foundational text in feminist philosophy?
A) Luce Irigaray
B) Sandra Harding
C) Judith Butler
D) Simone de Beauvoir
  • 22. Which philosopher is known for his theory of 'communicative action' and 'discourse ethics'?
A) Jürgen Habermas
B) Louis Althusser
C) Jean-François Lyotard
D) Maurice Merleau-Ponty
  • 23. Who is known for his work on 'repressive desublimation' and 'critique of mass culture'?
A) Gilles Deleuze
B) Martin Heidegger
C) Herbert Marcuse
D) Michel Foucault
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