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  • 1. The first task to be done in Wheelen and Hunger Model is ____?
A) Setting strategic objectives
B) Environmental Scanning
C) Developing mission statement
  • 2. _____ tell the results to accomplish by when?
A) Strategies
B) Objectives
C) Mission
  • 3. Just like humans has s has its beginning and end.
A) False
B) Sometimes
C) True
  • 4. Service cycle is also called____?
A) S-Curve
B) Learning curve
C) Industry life cycle
  • 5. The popularization of ____ poses as the biggest threat to business competition.
A) e-Commerce
B) Cyber business
C) Business technology
  • 6. Theory of the firm is also referred to as ____?
A) Market Structure
B) Triggering event
C) Strategic inflection point
  • 7. According to Bitter and Pierson ____ is an agent of change.
A) Technology
B) Plans
C) Strategy
  • 8. The theory of the experience curve is also referred to as___?
A) S-curve
B) Learning curve
C) Life cycle
  • 9. The sequence of steps to do the job.
A) Policies
B) None of these
C) Procedure
  • 10. Thompson and Strickland model have____ specific task?
A) 4
B) 5
C) 6
  • 11. A theory holds that organization can adapt to changing conditions by imitating other successful organization.
A) Contingency theory
B) Institution theory
C) Chamberlin theory
  • 12. With the advent of e-commerce, the business world becomes borderless.
A) Perhaps
B) True
C) False
  • 13. The plan to achieve the mission and objectives.
A) Policies
B) Strategies
C) Programs
  • 14. Back in_____ Strategic management was never heard
A) 1961
B) 1971
C) 1960
  • 15. Market structure is also referred to as _____?
A) Resource based theory
B) Theory of the firm
C) Institution theory
  • 16. The only thing that is constant in this world is ____?
A) Management
B) Strategy
C) Change
  • 17. As a strategy monopolistic firms lower prices in an effort to increase revenue.
A) True
B) Sometimes
C) False
  • 18. A market structure characterized by many producers or sellers of a homogenous products.
A) Oligopolistic competition
B) Perfect competition
C) Monopolistic competition
  • 19. Considered a branch of microeconomics that emphasizes the influence of industry environment upon the firm.
A) Contingency theory
B) Industrial organization theory
C) Evolution and revolution
  • 20. A theory that is somehow similar to contingency theory____?
A) Evolution theory
B) Resource based theory
C) Institution theory
  • 21. Change in ownership of a business will not result to a new set of strategy.
A) False
B) Maybe
C) True
  • 22. Who coined the term Strategic Inflection Point?
A) Crosby
B) Groove
C) Wheelen
  • 23. Business players in the cyberspace are also physically visible just like in the traditional brick -and mortar era.
A) Trru
B) False
C) Always
  • 24. The use of internet in doing business resulted to the so called____?
A) cyber business
B) online business
C) e-commerce & e-business
  • 25. A theory that has a premise that higher financial returns are associated with those firms that develops beneficial fit with the environment.
A) Chamberlin theory
B) Contingency theory
C) Institution theory
  • 26. The theory of economics or diseconomies of scale is similar to ____?
A) Experience curve
B) S curve
C) Learning curve
  • 27. A company that operates a wide variety of unrelated fields.
A) Corporation
B) Conglomerates
C) Subsidiaries
  • 28. ____ are those partly capitalized or wholly owned by the mother or parent company.
A) Subsidiaries
B) Associates
C) Branches
  • 29. An option of adding functionality/improving a product that is currently being offered.
A) Expand
B) Extend
C) Enhance
  • 30. ____ spouse the theory that for a business to be on going and profitable it has to adapt to market changes.
A) Charles Darwin
B) Pitts and Lee
C) Andy Groove
  • 31. Retrenchment means _____?
A) Promoting
B) Downsizing
C) Retaining
  • 32. Business closure operationally means declaring ____?
A) Stoppage
B) Folding up
C) Bankruptcy
  • 33. An option making a sacrifice b dropping some product lines and services of business units deemed uncompetitive/profitable.
A) Exit
B) Extend
C) Enhance
  • 34. _____ means to prolong the business by going beyond its new current business.
A) Exit
B) Expand
C) Extend
  • 35. All except____ are features of e-business.
A) need a staff to manage
B) no show room
C) online ordering scheme
  • 36. ____ serves as the core of unifying factor in the over all strategic direction of the entire business.
A) Parent company
B) Holding firm
C) Conglomerate
  • 37. The lead organization that influences other small business organization.
A) Parent company
B) Holding firm
C) Subsidiaries
  • 38. The mother/parent company has to be concerned with the _____?
A) Budget
B) Plans and programs
C) Corporate strategy
  • 39. Which of the following is the result of business reorganization?
A) Consolidation
B) All of these
C) Merging
  • 40. Single Proprietorship businesses are registered with ______?
  • 41. An undesired act of folding up/shutting down non-profitable business units to control further loss.
A) Business Reorganization
B) Business closure
C) Business disposal
  • 42. Strategy and tactics are the same.
A) False
B) True
C) Perhaps
  • 43. A strategy that refers to adding product/services with the context of the company's existing business
A) Enhance
B) Expand
C) Extend
  • 44. ____ is seeing to it that the strategic business units plays within the industry of the economy it wants to dominate.
A) Shepherding
B) Mentoring
C) Coaching
  • 45. _____ are situations and scenarios intervening the business organization on account of factors inherent to the firm.
A) External triggering event
B) Internal triggering event
C) Triggering event
  • 46. ____ defined strategic management as a framework that evolves around the idea of shaping the destiny of the organization.
A) Stahl & Grigsby
B) Wright & Kroll
C) Williamson & Jenkins
  • 47. As to detail, which is usually broad?
A) None of these
B) Strategy
C) Tactics
  • 48. When do you formulate the strategy in business?
A) When the problem arises
B) Before operation
C) During operation
  • 49. A plan to attain the outcome consistent with the organizations mission and goals.
A) Plan
B) Strategy
C) Policies
  • 50. Strategy as a management game plan aims to achieve the following except_____?
A) Attract & please customers
B) Attract competitors
C) Compete successfully
  • 51. When the company does not change any of its current activities it means it is ____?
A) Stable
B) Growing
C) At the peak
  • 52. Do subsidiaries and affiliates formulates their own strategy at their level?
A) True
B) Sometimes
C) False
  • 53. A growth strategy that in operation may take the form of acquisition or merger.
A) Business Restructuring
B) Business Acquisition
C) Business Reorganization
  • 54. ____ is the unloading of some subsidiaries and affiliates deemed less profitable.
A) Business closure
B) Business Reorganization
C) Business disposal
  • 55. Status quo comes in the form of pause or no change strategy as postulated by____?
A) Parnel
B) Wheelen & Hunger
C) Stahl & Grigsby
  • 56. Business Reorganization may result in _____?
A) Consolidating
B) Restructuring
C) All of these
  • 57. Initiatives in developing policies and strategies that comes from the higher management.
A) Top-bottom
B) None of these
C) Top-bottom-top
  • 58. Is there any particular situation that policies and strategies collides resulting in dilemma.
A) False
B) True
C) Never
  • 59. In business, decision making is a daily if not all the time task or duty.
A) Perhaps
B) False
C) True
  • 60. Strategic management is considered as a _____ process?
A) Crucial
B) Long range
C) Continuous
  • 61. ____ means asking what is missing in the existing policy that may have been missed resulting to non-achievement of objectives.
A) Policy Strategy profile
B) Performance
C) Gap Analysis
  • 62. A set or rules that guides the decisions and actions of the members of the organization.
A) Business Strategy
B) Business Plans
C) Business policy
  • 63. "Stratego" as a Greek word refers to ____?
A) Captain
B) Major
C) General
  • 64. The first step in the formulation of strategy is _____?
A) Business Planning
B) Environmental Scanning
C) Market research
  • 65. The final output of SWOT is the ____?
A) Operational Plan
B) Perspective Plan
C) Strategic Plan
  • 66. Product life cycle is sometimes referred to as ____?
A) Experience Curve
B) S-Curve
C) Learning curve
  • 67. The reason for existence.
A) Objectives
B) Vision
C) Mission
  • 68. Whose model identified a series of six tasks?
A) F.R David
B) Rayport & Jaworsky
C) Thompson & Strickland
  • 69. As categorized by Harrigan the____ integration is a short continuum.
A) Quasi-integration
B) Vertical integration
C) Forward vertical
  • 70. Concentric is also known as ____ diversification.
A) unrelated
B) related
C) indirect
  • 71. Conglomerate is also known as ____ diversification?
A) Indirect
B) Unrelated
C) Direct
  • 72. Which component of vertical integration makes 100 percent of its key supplies and completely control its distributions.
A) Long term contract
B) Full integration
C) Taper integration
  • 73. The PLDT who investedin, and eventually controlled the SMART Communication Inc. is an example of ____?
A) Horinzontal diversification
B) Concentric
C) Vertical diversification
  • 74. The quick way to move into an international business arena by acquiring another company already operating in the area.
A) Acquisition
B) Franchising
C) Licensing
  • 75. This scheme comes in the form of a contract of operating facility for a fee.
A) Turnkey operation
C) Greenfield development
  • 76. Engaging in business is ____ between the raw materials and the consumers of the product.
A) Bridging the gap
B) Bringing closer
C) Channeling
  • 77. The firm grants rights to another company to open a business using the firms business operation.
A) Franchising
B) Exporting
C) Licensing
  • 78. An entry that refers to building its own manufacturing plant and distribution system.
A) Management Contract
B) Greenfield development
C) Turnkey operation
  • 79. This scheme allows combining resources to pursue a business by sharing the proceeds as agreed upon.
A) Franchising
B) Management contract
C) Production sharing
  • 80. Refers to the de-integration of certain business activities narrowing the scope of the firms operation.
A) Outsourcing
B) Joint venture
C) Turnkey operation
  • 81. Withdrawal of investment or by selling shares.
A) Liquidation
B) Divestiture
C) Pause
  • 82. This means converting to cash whatever is left out of the losing business venture.
A) Liquidation
B) Dissolution
C) Bankruptcy
  • 83. What is the shortcoming of Rayport and Jaworski model?
A) Absence of a system of feedback
B) No environmental scanning
C) No mission & vision
  • 84. A sort of time out strategy
A) Consolidation
B) No Change
C) Pause
  • 85. The model that resembles that of Wheelen and Hunger which considers the importance of environment analysis before mission.
A) F.R. David
B) Pitts-Lee
C) Hybrid
  • 86. Reduce the company"s level of current activities.
A) Stability
B) Growth
C) Retrenchment
  • 87. Strategic plan is a product of a ____?
A) Procedure
B) Process
C) Policies
  • 88. To retrench means_____?
A) Down-sizing
B) All of these
C) Trimming
  • 89. A strategy that involves giving up management of the firm to the court.
A) Liquidation
B) Bankruptcy
C) Sell-out
  • 90. Form of strategy where it involves a decision to do nothing.
A) No change
B) Profit strategy
C) Pause
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