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Alexander Graham Bell invents telephone
Contributed by: Salter
  • 1. When did Alexander Graham Bell invent the telephone?
A) 1920
B) 1876
C) 1900
D) 1850
  • 2. What was the name of the first successful message transmitted by telephone?
A) Hello, can you hear me?
B) Mr. Watson, come here, I want to see you
C) What is this contraption?
D) Let's talk again tomorrow
  • 3. Where did Alexander Graham Bell conduct his telephone experiments?
A) Paris
B) London
C) New York
D) Boston
  • 4. Who was Alexander Graham Bell's assistant and partner in inventing the telephone?
A) Nikola Tesla
B) Thomas Edison
C) Thomas Watson
D) Guglielmo Marconi
  • 5. Who did Alexander Graham Bell beat in filing a patent for the telephone by mere hours?
A) Thomas Edison
B) Elisha Gray
C) Antonio Meucci
D) Nikola Tesla
  • 6. What is the term used to describe Alexander Graham Bell's method of transmitting sound by wire?
A) Phonetics
B) Telephony
C) Cryptography
D) Telecommunication
  • 7. What did Alexander Graham Bell's father, Alexander Melville Bell, invent?
A) Camera
B) Telegraph
C) Steam engine
D) Visible Speech
  • 8. What was the original name Bell gave to the telephone before it was called 'telephone'?
A) Harmonic telegraph
B) Voice machine
C) Wireless communicator
D) Echo transmitter
  • 9. Who did Alexander Graham Bell marry?
A) Marie Curie
B) Mabel Hubbard
C) Florence Nightingale
D) Helen Keller
  • 10. What educational institution did Alexander Graham Bell found with his father and wife in Boston?
A) Oxford University
B) Harvard University
D) Volta Laboratory
  • 11. What medical condition did Alexander Graham Bell suffer from in his later years?
A) Hypertension
B) Diabetes
C) Arthritis
D) Asthma
  • 12. Where did Alexander Graham Bell demonstrate the telephone for the first time?
A) Philadelphia
B) New York City
C) Paris
D) London
  • 13. Which company did Alexander Graham Bell co-found to market the telephone?
B) Bell Telephone Company
C) Verizon
D) Sprint
  • 14. What was the original name of the patent granted to Alexander Graham Bell for his invention?
A) The speaking device
B) Voice transmission apparatus
C) Improvement in Telegraphy
D) Sound telegraph
  • 15. What phrase did Alexander Graham Bell suggest for answering the telephone?
A) Ahoy
B) Good morning
C) Greetings
D) Hello
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