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Week 4 Spelling Test
Contributed by: Chawke
  • 1. Choose the correct answer
A) auther
B) auathor
C) autor
D) author
  • 2. Choose the correct answer
A) lawyer
B) lswyor
C) lawyor
D) Lewyer
  • 3. Choose the correct answer
A) fereign
B) foregn
C) foriegn
D) foreign
  • 4. Choose the correct answer
A) appleuse
B) applase
C) aplause
D) applause
  • 5. Choose the correct answer
A) ordinery
B) ordnery
C) ordnary
D) ordinary
  • 6. Choose the correct answer
A) organize
B) orgenize
C) oganize
D) organze
  • 7. Choose the correct answer
A) leunch
B) launh
C) launch
D) lunch
  • 8. Choose the correct answer
A) correspend
B) cerrispond
C) corespond
D) correspond
  • 9. Choose the correct answer
A) mejority
B) majortiy
C) majority
D) majerity
  • 10. Choose the correct answer
A) courageous
B) courgeous
C) courageos
D) corageous
  • 11. Choose the correct answer
A) atomatic
B) autometic
C) automatic
D) automatc
  • 12. Choose the correct answer
A) boredem
B) boredom
C) bordom
D) boredem
  • 13. Choose the correct answer
A) fortuntae
B) fortunate
C) fortunete
D) feurntate
  • 14. Choose the correct answer
A) echausted
B) exhausted
C) exhasted
D) exheusted
  • 15. Choose the correct answer
A) inforce
B) enferce
C) enforce
D) enfore
  • 16. Choose the correct answer
A) appleuse
B) aplause
C) applause
D) applaus
  • 17. Choose the correct answer
A) importence
B) importance
C) impertance
D) emportance
  • 18. Choose the correct answer
A) inermous
B) enormus
C) emermous
D) enormous
  • 19. Choose the correct answer
A) inventory
B) invintery
C) inventery
D) invintory
  • 20. Choose the correct answer
A) autherity
B) authertiy
C) autority
D) authority
  • 21. Choose the correct answer
A) strenously
B) strenuously
C) stenrously
D) srenuously
  • 22. Choose the correct answer
A) desqerately
B) desperately
C) desperetely
D) despreately
  • 23. Choose the correct answer
A) dramatically
B) dramaticaly
C) dranatically
D) dramtically
  • 24. Choose the correct answer
A) contenously
B) coninously
C) continuously
D) contnously
  • 25. Choose the correct answer
A) profesionally
B) pofessionally
C) professionally
D) professionaly
  • 26. Choose the correct answer
A) despair
B) despeir
C) despiar
D) desqair
  • 27. Choose the correct answer
A) awuflly
B) awfully
C) awufully
D) awfuly
  • 28. Choose the correct answer
A) strian
B) strain
C) strein
D) sfrain
  • 29. Choose the correct answer
A) contenue
B) continue
C) contineu
D) confinue
  • 30. Choose the correct answer
A) ectenate
B) exfenuate
C) extenate
D) extenuate
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