• 1. If you______this letter now,she will receive it tomorrow.
A) sending
B) send
C) sent
D) will send
  • 2. If I do this test,I ______my English.
A) improve
B) will improve
C) improved
D) improving
  • 3. If I find your ring,I ______it back to You.
A) gave
B) give
C) will give
D) giving
  • 4. Peggy will go shopping If she____time in the afternoon.
A) will have
B) has
C) had
D) have
  • 5. Simón will go to London If he____ a cheap flight.
A) getting
B) will get
C) got
D) gets
  • 6. If her boyfriend________today, she will leave him.
A) call
B) not call
C) didn´t call
D) doesn´t call
  • 7. If they don´t study harder, they______the exam.
A) will pass
B) won´t pass
C) pass
D) passing
  • 8. If I _____ you, I wouldn´t go to the party.
A) are
B) am
C) will be
D) were
  • 9. If had enough maney, I_______a Ferrari.
A) will buy
B) would buy
C) did not buy
D) won´t buy
  • 10. If I ______your body, I would be a famous model.
A) have
B) had
C) has
D) would have
  • 11. If my mom______to do the homework, I would be a better student.
A) helped
B) helps
C) help
D) had helped
  • 12. If I were born in Brasil, I _______happier..
A) be
B) will be
C) would be
D) been
  • 13. If I had money, I_____you immediately
A) tell
B) had told
C) would tell
D) would told
  • 14. If I _____Shakira, I would ask her for an autograph.
A) have seen
B) see
C) saw
D) seen
  • 15. If It_________tonight, I won´t go to the concert.
A) has rain
B) rained
C) rain
D) rains
  • 16. You will have an accident if you_____alcohol and later You drive a car..
A) drink
B) will drink
C) drunk
D) drinks
  • 17. If you obeyed your parents, They anymore.
A) wouldn´t punished
B) will punish
C) punish
D) would punish
  • 18. We would go to your party If you _______us.
A) invited
B) will invite
C) invite
D) have invited
  • 19. If You met Elba, you____another opinion
A) have
B) would had
C) has
D) would have
  • 20. If you_______hard, you would pass the English test.
A) have studied
B) studied
C) would have studied
D) are studying
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