__1. How many languages do you speaA. I am 35 years-old
__2. How old are you?B. I am from Scotland, I am Scottish
__3. Nice to meet youC. My name is Jake
__4. What do you do?D. equivale a la conjunción copulativa “y /e” en español.
__5. What do you do for a living?E. I live in Scotland, I live in Glasgow.
__6. What’s your name?F. I speak three languages: English, Italian and French.
__7. Where are you from?G. I am a journalist
__8. Where do you live?H. I work as a journalist
__9. “And”I. equivale a la conjunción adversativa “pero” en español.
__10. “But”J. Encantado de conocerte / conocerle
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