  • 1. The ancient Greek playwright Aeschylus is considered to be the father of which kind of dramatic work?
A) Romance
B) Comedy
C) Satire
D) Tragedy
  • 2. Aeschylus advanced the scope and potential of Greek theatrical works by
A) allowing characters to interact with each other rather than simply with the chorus.
B) secularizing the dramatic tradition.
C) funding indoor theaters in Athens.
D) inventing costumes for the characters.
  • 3. Aeschylus was born into a
A) family of itinerant laborers.
B) family of entertainers and magicians.
C) religious family where all men were priests.
D) wealthy and established family.
  • 4. In the year 490 AD, Aeschylus entered military service to defend the Greeks against an invading army of Persians. What was the name of the famous battle in which he fought?
A) Battle of Marathon
B) Battle of Troy
C) Battle of Mycale
D) Battle of Alexandria
  • 5. In the Battle of Marathon, an Athenian named Cynegeirus died in the battle. What relation did Cynegeirus have to Aeschylus?
A) Brother
B) Son
C) Cousin
D) Father
  • 6. During the large __________ religious festivals, Aeschylus frequently won first prize for his dramatic works.
A) Persian
B) Dionysia
C) Spartan
D) Turkish
  • 7. In the Battle of Marathon, the Athenians fought against Persians led by Darius. Later in the Battle of Salamis, who led the Persians?
A) Cleopatra
B) Caesar
C) Hannibal
D) Xerxes
  • 8. Aeschylus belonged to a cult called the Eleusinian Mysteries, devoted to which Greek God?
A) Zeus
B) Hera
C) Demeter
D) Dionysus
  • 9. Aeschylus wrote many tragedies, seven of which survived in their complete form. Which of these works, previously accredited to him, may have been written to some other playwright, according to scholars?
A) The Persians
B) Prometheus Bound
C) Seven against Thebes
D) The Suppliants
  • 10. Aeschylus wrote a trilogy of three tragedies. The trilogy was called ________, and served as a source of inspiration for Richard Wagner.
A) The Persians
B) The Ring!
C) The Oresteia
D) The Suppliants
  • 11. The Suppliants was a dramatic work which foreshadowed
A) the rise of democracy in Greece.
B) Greek military victories over the Persians.
C) consolidation of the European states.
  • 12. Many of Aeschylus' works recount events of the Trojan War, in which
A) the gods were held responsible for all human follies.
B) the Trojans built a wooden horse.
C) both gods and men take part in the plots.
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