Place Value
  • 1. The digit in the thousands place in 4,803?
A) 8
B) 4
C) 3
D) 0
  • 2. The digit in the ten thousands place in 48,062
A) 6
B) 2
C) 0
D) 4
E) 8
  • 3. The digit in the hundreds place in 24,501
A) 2
B) 0
C) 5
D) 4
E) 1
  • 4. 449,020 = 400,000 + 40,000 + ____?____ + 20
A) 9
B) 90000
C) 90
D) 9000
E) 900
  • 5. In 449,020, There is a 0 in the _____________ place and the _____________ place.
A) hundreds & tens
B) hundreds & ones
C) hundreds & hundreds
D) ones & hundreds
  • 6. What is 379,940 in standard form?
A) 379,940
B) 3,000+ 7,000 + 9,000 + 900 + 40
C) 397,940
D) Three thousand, nine hundred forty
  • 7. Six thousand, three hundred forty-eight in standard form?
A) 6000 + 300 + 40 + 8
B) 60,348
C) 6,348
D) 6 thousand, 3 hundred, 48
  • 8. What places are the 4 & 5 in 34,502?
A) hundreds & thousands
B) thousands & hundreds
C) ten thousands & hundreds
D) hundreds & tens
  • 9. Identify the value of the 7 in 173,504:
A) 70,000
B) 700,000
C) 700
D) 7,000
  • 10. Identify the value of the 7 in 14,007:
A) 0
B) 70
C) 7
D) 700
  • 11. 20,000 + 400 + 50 + 6 = ?
A) 2,456
B) 200,456
C) 20,456
D) 204,456
  • 12. 50,000 + 1,000 + ________________ + 50 + 4 = 51,354
A) 3000
B) 30
C) 300
D) 500
  • 13. ______?__________ = 7000 + 40 + 6
A) 7,460
B) 7,046
C) 7,064
D) 7,406
  • 14. Compare numbers: 78,013 & 78,130
A) =
B) equal
C) greater than
D) less than
  • 15. three-hundred thousand, four hundred ninety-two in standard form:
A) 300,492
B) 300,000 + 400 + 90 + 2
C) three hundred thousand, four hundred ninety-two
D) 3,492
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