Senses2:MC/short answer
  • 1. The pigmented disk with an opening to control the amount of light entering the eye is called...
A) retina
B) pupil
C) iris
D) cornea
  • 2. Structure that changes shape to help form a clear image on the retina is called...
A) cornea
B) lens
C) iris
D) retina
  • 3. The inner layer of the eye that captures the light is called...
A) lens
B) retina
C) sclera
D) pupil
  • 4. The protective, outer membrane that forms the "white of the eye" is called...
A) sclera
B) aqueous humour
C) choroid
D) cornea
  • 5. At the back of the eye, at the optic nerve where there is no sensitivity to light is called...
A) retina
B) pupil
C) vitreous humour
D) blind spot
  • 6. The transparent liquid jelly that fills the space between the cornea and lens is called...
A) vitreous humour
B) aqueous humour
C) choroid
D) sclera
  • 7. A bundle of more than one million nerve fibers that carries visual messages from the retina to the brain.
A) blind spot
B) optic nerve
C) retina
D) auditory nerve
  • 8. It can cause redness, itching, inflammation or swelling, and a clear or white, yellow, or greenish gooey liquid to collect in the eyes.
A) astigmatism
B) pinkeye
C) crying
D) redeye
  • 9. When you look at something far away, the shape of your lens is more...
A) flattened
B) hexagonal
C) rounded
D) triangular
  • 10. The structure connected to the auditory nerve and covered in nerve cells (and looks like a snail shell!) is called...
A) pinna
B) eardrum
C) vestibule
D) cochlea
  • 11. The channel that brings vibrations to the ear drum is called...
A) eustachian tube
B) English channel
C) auditory canal
D) vestibular canal
  • 12. The three small bones which help carry the sound waves are...
A) cochlea
B) pinna
C) popsicles
D) ossicles
  • 13. The sensory receptors for balance are found in the _______ and the _______.
A) vestibule, semicircular canals
B) semicircular canals, eardrum
C) vestibule, cochlea
D) cochlea, ossicles
  • 14. The thin membrane that moves with the rhythm of sound wave vibrations...
A) pinna
B) cochlea
C) retina
D) eardrum
  • 15. Which of the following parts is NOT in the inner ear?
A) vestibule
B) cochlea
C) semicircular canals
D) ossicles
  • 16. ________ is someone who is specially trained to test and help with the problems related to hearing loss.
A) hearinologist
B) doyougetthegist
C) audiologist
D) vestibulologist
  • 17. Which of the following is NOT a sensation perceive by the skin?
A) happy
B) tactile
C) thermal
D) painful
  • 18. The structure that produces an oily substance that waterproofs the skin is called...
A) blood vessels
B) epidermis
C) sebaceous glands
D) sweat glands
  • 19. Which is the inner-most layer of the skin where the fat is?
A) dermis
B) epidermis
C) myodermis
D) hypodermis
  • 20. Which is the middle layer of skin where nerves and sweat glands are?
A) kidermis
B) hypodermis
C) dermis
D) epidermis
  • 21. The sensory receptors for taste are found in the...
A) papillae
B) taste buds
C) olfactory
  • 22. 90% of how we taste things comes from our...
A) ear
B) eye
C) skin
D) tongue
E) nose
  • 23. Which layer of skin is constantly flaking off and being renewed?
A) ewdermis
B) dermis
C) hypodermis
D) epidermis
  • 24. Which sense helps to produce vitamin D?
A) tongue
B) nose
C) eye
D) ear
E) skin
  • 25. What helps to grip food and move it around while you chew?
A) papillae
B) hands
C) taste buds
D) teeth
  • 26. A lemon would be interpreted by our taste buds as what kind of flavour?
A) bitter
B) sour
C) salty
D) sweet
  • 27. Flavouring chemicals in food dissolve into our _________ in our mouths and dissolve into _________ in our noses so we can begin to interpret the stimuli
A) saliva, mucus
B) taste buds, nose hairs
C) papillae, mucus
D) saliva, olfactory epithelium
  • 28. What reaction is performed by your skin to help keep the heat in?
A) goosebumps
B) blinking
C) itching
D) sweating
  • 29. What we can do to avoid tasting unpleasant foods?
A) Drink lots of water beforehand
B) Mix it with hot sauce
C) Hold your nose
D) Chase it with a spoonful of sugar
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