Ancient India VOCAB QUIZ
  • 1. Prince Siddhartha Gautama, founder of Buddhism, title means "Awakened One" or "Enlightened One"
A) Buddha
B) Caste
C) Gupta
D) Karma
  • 2. A world philosophy which values love, wisdom, goodness, calm, and self control
A) Hinduism
B) Judaism
C) Buddhism
D) Confucianism
  • 3. a social structure created in Ancient India, which state you must stay in the level of life you were born into
A) Caste System
B) Gupta System
C) Feudalism
D) Hierarchy
  • 4. Buddhists follow this way of life as a guide
A) Eight Fold Path
B) Hindu
C) Gupta
D) Karma
  • 5. An empire in northern India that existed at about the same time as the Roman Empire
A) Greek
B) Mesopotamian
C) Indian
D) Gupta
  • 6. a teacher
A) Caste
B) Tilak
C) Guru
D) Karma
  • 7. mountains in northern India which provided natural resources and also served as a natural barrier
A) Holi
B) Tilak
C) Aryan
D) Himalayas
  • 8. a polytheistic world religion with no central figure that combines the religious ideas of many
A) Hinduism
B) Confucianism
C) Judaism
D) Buddhism
  • 9. an ancient festival dating back to Aryan times that features a bonfire and colored powder
A) Hindu
B) Tilak
C) Gupta
D) Holi
  • 10. the sum of all your actions, good and bad, which add up to determine your next life
A) Tilak
B) Karma
C) Caste
D) Holi
  • 11. the belief that life is a repeating cycle of birth to death
A) Caste
B) Guru
C) reincarnation
D) Buddha
  • 12. a mark worn by a Hindu on the forehead to indicate caste, status, marriage, or as an ornament
A) Gupta
B) Aryan
C) Guru
D) Tilak
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