Human Body Systems Multiple Choice
  • 1. All Life begins with a single _____________.
A) tissue
B) microbe
C) cell
D) organ
  • 2. The control center of a cell is the _____________.
A) nucleus
B) cytoplasm
C) cell membrane
D) chromosome
  • 3. Skin, ears, and kidneys are examples of _____________.
A) organ systems
B) cells
C) organs
D) tissues
  • 4. The _____________ system removes waste products from the body.
A) All of these
B) Integumentary
C) Digestive
D) Excretory
  • 5. A group of similar cells performing the same function is a(n) _____________.
A) organ
B) system
C) cell
D) tissue
  • 6. The type of joint in your knee is a _____________ joint.
A) fixed
B) hinge
C) ball & socket
D) gliding
  • 7. The type of joint found in your shoulder is a _____________ joint.
A) gliding
B) ball & socket
C) hinge
D) fixed
  • 8. One important function of bones is to produce _____________.
A) cartilage
B) tendons
C) ligaments
D) blood cells
  • 9. Breathing, heart beating, and food digesting are examples of activities using _____________ type of muscles.
A) voluntary
B) striated
C) cardiac
D) involuntary
  • 10. Walking, running, and carrying a book involve using _____________ type of muscles.
A) voluntary
B) striated
C) cardiac
D) involuntary
  • 11. Cardiac muscle tissue can be found in your _____________.
A) Liver
B) Brain
C) Heart
D) Stomach
  • 12. Skin helps the body maintain a steady _____________ through perspiration and enlarging of blood vessels.
A) Tan
B) Pace
C) Temperature
D) Heart beat
  • 13. Digestion begins in the _____________.
A) mouth
B) large intestine
C) small intestine
D) stomach
  • 14. The human heart has _____________ chambers (rooms).
A) Three
B) Two
C) Four
D) Five
  • 15. The top chambers of the heart are called the _____________.
A) Atrium
B) Aorta
C) Septum
D) Ventricle
  • 16. The bottom of the heart is called the _____________.
A) Ventricle
B) Atrium
C) Septum
D) Aorta
  • 17. Arteries, Veins, and capillaries are the _____________ in the circulatory system.
A) vessels
B) organs
C) cells
D) tissues
  • 18. This blood type is called the "universal donor:
A) Type AB
B) Type A
C) Type O
D) Type B
  • 19. The main organ in the respiratory system is the _____________.
A) Lung
B) Diaphragm
C) Trachea
D) Bronchi
  • 20. In which structure is blood filtered within the kidneys?
A) bladder
B) gland
C) nephron
D) ureter
  • 21. Water, urea, and other wastes are eliminated in a fluid called _____________.
A) perspiration
B) urine
C) carbon dioxide
D) protein
  • 22. The _____________ makes urea and breaks down old red blood cells.
A) Pancreas
B) Kidneys
C) Urethra
D) Liver
  • 23. Axon, cell body, and dendrites are parts of a _____________ cell.
A) Cardiac
B) Epithelial
C) Prokaryotic
D) Nerve
  • 24. A nerve cell is also called a(n) _____________.
A) neuron
B) prokaryotic
C) cardiac
D) epithelial
  • 25. The central nervous system includes:
A) Spinal Cord
B) Nerves
C) Brain & Spinal Cord
D) Brain
  • 26. The peripheral nervous system includes :
A) Nerves
B) Brain
C) Spinal Cord
D) Brain & Spinal Cord
  • 27. The part of the brain responsible for thinking and memory is the_____________
A) Medulla
B) Spinal Cord
C) Cerebellum
D) Cerebrum
  • 28. The part of the brain responsible for involuntary actions such as breathing and heart beat is the _____________
A) Medulla
B) Cerebellum
C) Spinal Cord
D) Cerebrum
  • 29. The endocrine gland that helps regulate blood glucose levels:
A) Adrenal
B) Pancreas
C) Thyroid
D) Pituitary
  • 30. The endocrine gland helps control other glands and regulates blood pressure: and water balance
A) Thyroid
B) Adrenal
C) Pituitary
D) Pancreas
  • 31. The endocrine organ controls changes in a male's body and regulates the production of sperm:
A) Adrenal
B) Pituitary
C) Testes
D) Thymus
  • 32. The endocrine gland regulates hormones that control metabolism and energy-related reactions:
A) Pituitary
B) Adrenal
C) Pancreas
D) Thyroid
  • 33. What is the term which describes the time an egg is released from an ovary?
A) Ovulation
B) Fertilization
C) Duplication
D) Reproduction
  • 34. What is the term which describes the joining together of a sperm and an egg?
A) Fertilization
B) Duplication
C) Ovulation
D) Reproduction
  • 35. The primary function of the system is to support and protect the body.
A) Digestive
B) Skeletal
C) Respiratory
D) Muscular
  • 36. The primary function of this system is to be a communication and response system for the body.
A) Excretory
B) Nervous
C) Endocrine
D) Lymphatic
  • 37. The primary function of this system is to help you fight pathogens (germs).
A) Lymphatic
B) Excretory
C) Endocrine
D) Nervous
  • 38. The primary function of this system is to break down food into usable form and to remove waste products.
A) Muscular
B) Skeletal
C) Digestive
D) Respiratory
  • 39. The bone that protects the brain is called the _____________
A) tibia
B) cranium
C) ribs
D) patella
  • 40. The bone(s) that protect the lungs are called the _____________.
A) patella
B) cranium
C) ribs
D) tibia
  • 41. A condition in which bones become weak and break easily is called _____________.
A) osteoporosis
B) acne
C) arthritis
D) rickets
  • 42. The bone that prove heart is called the _____________.
A) sternum
B) pelvis
C) vertebrae
D) clavicle
  • 43. The bone(s) that protect the spinal cord:
A) pelvis
B) vertebrae
C) sternum
D) clavicle
  • 44. The finger-like projections in the small intestine that "soak up" nutrients:
A) clavicle
B) phlanges
C) villi
D) alveoli
  • 45. Tiny air sacs at the ends of the bronchi tubes in the lungs:
A) alveoli
B) phlanges
C) villi
D) clavicle
  • 46. Skin, hair, and nails are part of this system:
A) Endocrine
B) Integumentary
C) Lymphatic
D) Digestive
  • 47. Tonsils, Spleen, and Lymph are part of this system which collects excess fluids and helps to fight pathogens (germs):
A) Digestive
B) Endocrine
C) Lymphatic
D) Integumentary
  • 48. The human body system that includes these glands, thyroid, adrenals, and pancreas:
A) Endocrine
B) Reproductive
C) Digestive
D) Excretory
  • 49. The sex cells are made in the male testes and female ovaries of this system which enables human race to continue on.
A) Endocrine
B) Excretory
C) Reproductive
D) Digestive
  • 50. These two body systems work together to allow a person to move, talk, and run.
A) Skeletal & Muscular
B) Integumentary & Lymphatic
C) Endocrine & Reproductive
D) Digestive & Excretory
  • 51. Tell how alveoli in the lungs and villi in the small intestine are alike.
  • 52. Describe one system in the human body. List parts and functions of each (part).
  • 53. What is the only human body system you can live without?
  • 54. List any further questions you many have about the human body.
  • 55. Which organ belongs to the Digestive System:
A) Heart
B) Trachea
C) Stomach
D) Thymus
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