• 1. What is a resume?
A) a document that provides academic and job references about a possible employee.
B) a document that applies for a job position and attaches copies of academic accomplishments.
C) a document that summarizes a person´s academic and labor life to apply for a job or backup a project.
D) a document that contains a complete display of the works a person has done along the career.
E) a document that includes all the capacities and abilities of a potential employee.
  • 2. What information should the resume contain?
A) personal information, abilities, hobbies, and passion
B) important personal achievements, personal data, likes and dislikes
C) habits, education, personal and credit references.
D) likes, dislikes, professional degrees, and references
E) personal data, education, work experience, references
  • 3. Who needs to have a resume?
A) people who wish to obtain a credit line or a loan.
B) people who like to do documents.
C) people who wish to obtain investors for a business.
D) everyone in a business
E) people who are looking for a job
  • 4. What should the resume NOT contain?
A) education
B) personal data
C) work experience
D) references
E) copies of diplomas
  • 5. What is human dignity?
A) the condition of having a soul to think and feel.
B) The condition of God´s creature that grants humans spirit as a connector to God.
C) the ability to think and make decisions
D) the ability to do good things
E) the condition of being a happy thing.
  • 6. Why is the office dress code linked to "human dignity"?
A) Because it demonstrates the aesthetic sense of the human being.
B) Because it reflects our condition of God´s children and not object.
C) Because it interferes with the spirit.
D) Because it is interesting and important.
E) Because fashion is very important.
  • 7. What is GOOD?
A) What people say.
B) Whatever is not considered a crime.
C) What makes us happy.
D) Whatever perfects nature.
E) What TV says is good.
  • 8. What is BAD?
A) What others say is bad.
B) What you do not like.
C) What is a crime.
D) Whatever is not legal.
E) Whatever distorsions nature.
  • 9. What is NATURE?
A) The reason of life.
B) The ecosystem.
C) The biological part of everything.
D) Trees and animals.
E) The principle of operation.
  • 10. What is FREEDOM?
A) The condition of doing whatever we want.
B) None of the options is correct.
C) Following our dreams, crazy as they may be.
D) Not doing what others tell us to do.
E) The predisposition to look for GOOD.
  • 11. Why should a person know how to differenciate GOOD from BAD?
A) To take informed decisions.
B) To think something and do different.
C) To be able to criticize others on the actions they do.
D) To please those around.
E) To increase the amount of people in the world.
  • 12. What elements are recommendable to wear at the office?
A) Tight clothes, wide cleavage, high platform heels.
B) All of the other options are correct.
C) Bright colors with neon tones, big and clingy accessories and short skirts..
D) None of the other options are correct.
E) Neutral colors, discrete accesories, clothes that fit but that are not stretch, simple lines.
  • 13. What elements should you avoid wearing at the office.
A) Nude shoes with medium-size heel.
B) Medium-sized purses in neutral colors.
C) Discrete hairstyle.
D) Make-up in natural tones
E) Huge accessories, revealing clothes, short skirts, wide cleaveage, bright colors, etc.
  • 14. Why is it important to select professional clothes for the office?
A) Because it helps people around us focus on our ideas rather than our body or looks.
B) Because it is an opportunity to show that we have a spectacular body.
C) Because it is an opportunity to evidence that we have money to buy fashionable clothes of selected brands.
D) Because it evidences our personality and attitude towards life.
E) None of the answers is correct.
  • 15. Why should a business professional avoid wearing clothes that make her look either "too sexy" or "drag-queen like"?
A) None of the possible options is correct.
B) Because such elements focus attention of people around us in our body rather than our intellect or our professional abilities.
C) Because such look requires a lot of effort that can be invested in the job.
D) Because such look is very expensive.
E) Because such look takes a lot of time to accomplish.
  • 16. What part of the RESUME contains information about the person such as name, date of birth, address, email, phone number, marital status, social security number, etc.?
A) Relevant data
B) General data
C) References
D) Work experience
E) Education
  • 17. Why should a woman know her HUMAN DIGNITY?
A) To feel happy about her condition of creature of God.
B) To avoid disrespecting herself or letting others disrespect her.
C) All of the other options are correct.
D) To celebrate the differences that make her unique and special.
E) To recognize her value and the value of those around her.
  • 18. Why doesn´t a RESUME contain the photocopies of degrees and diplomas?
A) Because those documents are provided upon request.
B) Because those documents are precious.
C) Because photocopying those documents is expensive.
D) Because it is boring to scan the documents.
E) Because those documents are irrelevant.
  • 19. What part of the resume contains information about the schools, colleges, universities, etc.?
A) Relevant data
B) References
C) Personal Data
D) Work experience
E) Education
  • 20. What part of the resume contains information about the jobs and positions held by the person at different times?
A) Personal Data
B) Relevant Data
C) References
D) Education
E) Work Experience
  • 21. Which are the two types of references that a RESUME may include?
A) Academic and Personal
B) None of the options is correct
C) Professional and Personal
D) Credit and character
E) Character and friendship
  • 22. How is the information presented in the RESUME?
A) Randomly as it comes to our mind.
B) None of the other options is correct.
C) Chronologically from the most recent to the oldest.
D) Chronologically from the oldest to the newest.
  • 23. What characteristics should the picture of the RESUME contain?
A) None of the options is correct.
B) Natural, preferrably on the beach or the forest.
C) With filters and Photoshop improvements to look better.
D) Sexy, colorful, and full-body.
E) Formal, well - groomed, face and shoulders only, work clothes.
  • 24. How many pages should the RESUME have?
A) Three
B) One
C) Two
D) Four
E) Five
  • 25. Which element of the RESUME can be provided upon request?
A) Work experience
B) Education
C) References
D) All options are correct.
E) Personal data
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