Culture of Rome
  • 1. The head of every Roman family was called the
A) grandfather
B) Pater familias
C) dad
  • 2. Roman homes were centered around a central courtyard or a/an
A) forum
B) atrium
C) bath-house
  • 3. Early Romans wore togas which were like
A) sheep skins
B) white sheets
C) red or purple sheets
  • 4. Many Plebeians lived in apartments above their houses called
A) bath-houses
B) atriums
C) flats
  • 5. The Romans believed in many deities which made them
A) polytheistic
B) monotheistic
C) theocracies
  • 6. A bulla was worn around the neck to
A) bring strength
B) show you were married
C) protect against evil
  • 7. Since school was not free, only _____ of adult men were able to read and write
A) 75%
B) 30%
C) 100%
  • 8. Most Roman adults would go here to do their shopping and banking
A) the temple
B) the forum
C) the agora
  • 9. A favorite sport which also provided entertainment was
A) Olympics
B) chariot racing
C) Spartan jousts
  • 10. What a young woman would bring as gifts to her new husband was called a
A) bridal procession
B) engagement gift
C) dowry
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