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Social Studies Concepts- Review of Year
Katkıları bulunanlar:: Wheeling
  • 1. Ancestor
A) someone who can tell the future; often using oracle bones
B) a person from whom one is descended; forebear; relative who came before you
C) your heirs; children
  • 2. barter
A) to trade by exchange of commodities rather than by the use of money.
B) to move, migrate, change locations
C) to cooperate; to collaborate
  • 3. cultural diffusion
A) the exchange of ideas, thoughts, and beliefs
B) changing your religion
C) to mix together fluids to make a new substance
  • 4. famine
A) not having enough protection; being fearful of your life
B) extreme and general scarcity of food, as in a country or a large geographical area.
C) having too many natural resources; an abundance
  • 5. feudalism
A) the social hierarchy of the middle ages; levels of society
B) the social hierarchy of Egypt; classes from Pharaoh to the slaves
C) the code of honor for knights in the Middle Ages
  • 6. hierarchy
A) people in your family line who are your descendants
B) the top level of the caste system in ancient India
C) any system of persons or things ranked one above another; levels of society
  • 7. monotheistic
A) the doctrine or idea that there are many gods
B) adhering to monotheism, the doctrine or idea that there is only one God:
C) the idea that how you treat others is how you'll be treated-; karma
  • 8. natural barrier
A) landforms in nature that can prevent movement or migration; mountains, oceans, deserts, etc.
B) things found in nature that we use to stay in one place; we use to farm
C) events that force people to migrate or move away; push factors
  • 9. nomad
A) a member of a people or tribe that has no permanent abode but moves about from place to place, often following a food supply
B) another word for serf, peasant, or slave
C) a person who has been sent away; exiled, with no permanent home as a punishment
  • 10. scarcity
A) shortage, want, lack; not enough of, especially resources such as food or fresh water
B) having more than enough; an abundance or plentiful amount
C) alone or living in isolation; not with others
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