ThatQuiz Test Kütüphanesi Bu Testi Şimdi Al
Week 6- Spelling Test
Katkıları bulunanlar:: Chawke
  • 1. Choose the correct Spelling
A) occcured
B) occurad
C) occurred
D) occured
  • 2. Choose the correct Spelling
A) testfying
B) testifying
C) tetifying
D) testifing
  • 3. Choose the correct Spelling
A) illusterated
B) illustrated
C) ilustrated
D) illustreted
  • 4. Choose the correct Spelling
A) notfied
B) notified
C) notefied
D) notifeid
  • 5. Choose the correct Spelling
A) admited
B) admittied
C) admitted
D) admetted
  • 6. Choose the correct Spelling
A) permittng
B) permiting
C) permiting
D) permitting
  • 7. Choose the correct Spelling
A) studying
B) studeying
C) studing
D) studynig
  • 8. Choose the correct Spelling
A) beginning
B) Begining
C) biginneng
D) beginneng
  • 9. Choose the correct Spelling
A) admired
B) edmired
C) admirad
D) admried
  • 10. Choose the correct Spelling
A) cembining
B) combining
C) combinning
D) combening
  • 11. Choose the correct Spelling
A) identified
B) identefied
C) identifeid
D) edintified
  • 12. Choose the correct Spelling
A) pregramming
B) programing
C) programming
D) programmnig
  • 13. Choose the correct Spelling
A) confusing
B) confusnig
C) confuseng
D) confesing
  • 14. Choose the correct Spelling
A) applied
B) appled
C) appleid
D) epplied
  • 15. Choose the correct Spelling
A) advertised
B) advirested
C) advertesied
D) advertsed
  • 16. Choose the correct Spelling
A) rebelled
B) ribelled
C) rebellid
D) rebeled
  • 17. Choose the correct Spelling
A) quelified
B) qualefied
C) qulified
D) qualified
  • 18. Choose the correct Spelling
A) suppleid
B) suepplied
C) supplied
D) suplied
  • 19. Choose the correct Spelling
A) enforcing
B) enforsing
C) enforcnig
D) inforcing
  • 20. Choose the correct Spelling
A) transfering
B) transferreng
C) transferring
D) trensferring
  • 21. Choose the correct Spelling
A) zeppelin
B) zeppiln
C) zeppin
D) zeplin
  • 22. Choose the correct Spelling
A) irresponsible
B) irrsponsible
C) iresponsible
D) irreseponsible
  • 23. Choose the correct Spelling
A) afextionate
B) affectionate
C) afficitonate
D) affecitionate
  • 24. Choose the correct Spelling
A) announcement
B) annuoncement
C) annoncement
D) anouncement
  • 25. Choose the correct Spelling
A) investigated
B) investigiated
C) inivestigated
D) inuestigated
  • 26. Choose the correct Spelling
A) illustratied
B) illiustrated
C) illustrated
D) ilustrated
  • 27. Choose the correct Spelling
A) arested
B) arriested
C) arrested
D) arriesied
  • 28. Choose the correct Spelling
A) percpective
B) peirspective
C) perspective
D) perspecteve
  • 29. Choose the correct Spelling
A) agreable
B) aqreeable
C) agreeable
D) abreeable
  • 30. Choose the correct Spelling
A) inspection
B) inspecton
C) insqection
D) inspectoin
  • 31. Choose the correct Spelling
A) interpret
B) inferpret
C) enterpret
D) intirpret
  • 32. Choose the correct Spelling
A) antinicobial
B) antimicobial
C) antmicobial
D) antimicobal
  • 33. Choose the correct Spelling
A) avunucular
B) avnnucular
C) avuncular
D) avnucelar
  • 34. Choose the correct Spelling
A) fatua
B) fafwa
C) fetwa
D) fatwa
  • 35. Choose the correct Spelling
A) magepie
B) megpie
C) maqpie
D) magpie
  • 36. Choose the correct Spelling
A) inifer
B) infer
C) inter
D) enfer
  • 37. Choose the correct Spelling
A) residint
B) risident
C) resibent
D) resident
  • 38. Choose the correct Spelling
A) matarmal
B) meternel
C) matermal
D) maternal
  • 39. Choose the correct Spelling
A) pefernel
B) paternal
C) peternel
D) pafernal
  • 40. Choose the correct Spelling
A) vilsualize
B) visualise
C) visualize
D) visuelize
  • 41. Choose the correct Spelling
A) invarable
B) envariable
C) invariable
D) invaridle
  • 42. Choose the correct Spelling
A) intelligble
B) inteligible
C) intelligible
D) intellegible
  • 43. Choose the correct Spelling
A) accesible
B) accessebile
C) accessible
D) accesseble
  • 44. Choose the correct Spelling
A) inbible
B) indible
C) indelible
D) endible
  • 45. Choose the correct Spelling
A) confemporary
B) contenporary
C) contemporary
D) contenporary
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