ThatQuiz Test Kütüphanesi Bu Testi Şimdi Al
Past Tense
Katkıları bulunanlar:: Hansen
  • 1. Yesterday I <goed> to the shops with my mum.
A) was going
B) went
C) walk
D) will go
  • 2. I <look> at the moon rise last night.
A) sawed
B) looking
C) seen
D) looked
  • 3. My friends and I <racing> to the shops.
A) raceded
B) raced
C) runned
D) will race
  • 4. The dogs <was> in a fight.
A) versed
B) having
C) growled
D) were
  • 5. They <landing> on the moon in 1969.
A) landed
B) goed to
C) land
D) flied
  • 6. I <eat> sausages for dinner.
A) ate
B) having
C) cook
D) ated
  • 7. My pet cat <has> three kittens.
A) will have
B) making
C) have
D) had
  • 8. The cows <go> moo.
A) was
B) goed
C) went
D) going
  • 9. <Do> you see the boys run past this morning?
A) Done
B) Was
C) Did
D) Can
  • 10. Did we <played> Tregear in touch last week?
A) verse
B) versing
C) playing
D) play
  • 11. Mary <jumping> on the trampoline.
A) playing
B) jumper
C) jumped
D) jumps
  • 12. I <see> the ghost.
A) seed
B) scare
C) seen
D) saw
  • 13. The smell from the dump <is> disquisting.
A) is sometimes
B) reeks
C) was
D) can be
  • 14. My pet dog <eated> my homework.
A) eating
B) ate
C) eats
D) licks
  • 15. The tree <crashing> loudly when it fell in the wind last night.
A) crash
B) went smash
C) is crashing
D) crashed
  • 16. Ten kangaroos <hop> past the school last month.
A) can hop
B) do hop
C) are hopping
D) hopped
  • 17. The cars <crashing> into the fence but noone was hurt.
A) smash
B) will crash
C) crashed
D) run
  • 18. My heart <skip> a beat when I heard the bang!
A) miss
B) skipping
C) skipped
D) skips
  • 19. I <running> to the shops because mum wanted milk.
A) ranned
B) ran
C) run
D) runned
  • 20. Steve, <do> you eat the apple?
A) does
B) did
C) why don't
D) can
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