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Literary Terms 1
Katkıları bulunanlar:: Wells
__1. AlliterationA. direct comparison between two unlike things
__2. Dramatic IronyB. an implied comparison between two relatively unlike things
__3. HyperboleC. Occurs when the reader knows more than the characters know.
__4. MetaphorD. The contrast between what is said and what is actually meant
__5. OnomatopoeiaE. Repeated consonant sounds occurring at the beginning of word
__6. PersonificationF. An exaggerated statement used to heighten effect
__7. SimileG. gives the qualities of a person to an animal or object
__8. Verbal IronyH. The use of words that mimic sounds.
__9. 3rd Person Limited NarratorA. a character who can reveal personal observations
__10. 3rd Person Objective NarratorB. an outsider who can report only what is seen or heard
__11. AntagonistC. an outsider who sees into the mind of 1 of the charact
__12. First Person NarratorD. an all-knowing outsider who can enter the minds all
__13. FoilE. The character or force that opposes the protagonist
__14. Omniscient NarratorF. The main character in the story
__15. ProtagonistG. A character who provides a contrast to the protagonist
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