- 1. The _______________ is the quantity under a radical sign.
A) radicand B) varible C) constant D) parentheses
- 2. To ______________ an expression means to calculate an expression to get a single value.
A) radical B) evaluate C) operations D) square root
- 3. To calculate the ____________________ you multiply the number by itself 2 times.
A) numerical expression B) square of a number C) variable D) equation
- 4. A ______________________is one of two equal factors of a non-negative number. Every positive number has two square roots: a positive square root and a negative square root.
A) order of operations B) radical C) algebraic expression D) square root
- 5. The _______________ is the quantity under a radical sign.
A) numerical coefficient B) parentheses C) radicand D) equation
- 6. An ___________________ is a mathematical phrase involving at least one variable and sometimes numbers and operation symbols.
A) radicand B) constant C) algebraic expression D) variable
- 7. A number or quantity that is multiplied by a variable in an algebraic expression is called the _____________________.
A) multiple representations B) numerical coefficient C) constant D) operations
- 8. A ______________________ is a mathematical phase containing numbers.
A) square root B) radical C) numerical expression D) evaluate
- 9. The _____________ in an expression are addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
A) perfect square B) equation C) constant D) operations
- 10. The ____________________ is a set of rules that ensures the same result every time an expression is evaluated.
A) multiple representations B) expressions C) parentheses D) order of operations
- 11. A number that is the product of a distinct factor multiplied by itself is called a __________________.
A) constant B) perfect square C) radicand D) radical
- 12. The symbol that is used to indicate the square root of a number
A) operation B) constant C) variable D) radical
- 13. A ______________ is a letter or symbol that is used to represent a number.
A) operations B) numerical coefficient C) variable D) perfect square
- 14. An ______________ is a mathematical sentence that contains an equal sign.
A) equation B) square C) variable D) parentheses
- 15. A number or quantity that does not change its value is called a __________________.
A) operation B) expression C) constant D) equation
- 16. Problem situations can be represented in several ways including a diagram of figures, a table of values, a verbal description, an algebraic expression, and a graph. This is called _____________________________.
A) multiple representations B) perfect squares C) order of operations D) coefficients