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Nights of the Pufflings
Поширений: Goers
  • 1. It took the baby bunny a long time before it would ________ out, away from its mother.
A) stranded
B) burrows
C) venture
D) nestles
  • 2. When the little boy stepped off the curb, his mother _______________ grabbed his arm.
A) instinctively
B) insignificant
C) burrows
D) uninhabited
  • 3. the animals dug dozy underground ___________ to raise their young in.
A) nestles
B) burrows
C) stranded
D) venture
  • 4. My brother should live on an ____________island, so he can play his music as loud as he wants, and no one else will hear it. I mean really, who can stand to listen to that rubbish repeatedly?
A) uninhabited
B) stranded
C) unyielding
D) instinctively
  • 5. When our car got a flat tire, we became _________ on the highway.
A) venture
B) stranded
C) nestles
D) twined
  • 6. When I hold my friend's cat, it _____________ its head under my arm.
A) uninhabited
B) venture
C) instinctively
D) nestles
  • 7. The story takes place in ________.
A) Australia
B) Greenland
C) Zeeland
D) Iceland
  • 8. The only time the puffins come ashore is when they ____________.
A) can't find food in the sea
B) are sick and hurt
C) return from the sea to live on land as adults
D) lay eggs and raise puffin chicks
  • 9. The author calls puffins "clowns of the sea" because they puffins _____________.
A) look like they are wearing clown makeup
B) are great at juggling
C) hide their babies from people
D) work in a circus
  • 10. When do the puffins return to the area where Halla lives?
A) summer
B) winter
C) spring
D) fall
  • 11. Where do baby puffins live?
A) in pools of shallow water
B) in sand dunes
C) in tall grass on the beach
D) in burrows on high cliffs
  • 12. Why must grown-up puffins catch lots of fish?
A) The season for catching fish is a short one
B) They are feeding themselves, and the pufflings
C) They haven't eaten all winter
D) The pufflings only like certain kinds of fish
  • 13. Why do the baby puffins stay in their homes for several weeks?
A) They must stay in a safe place until they can fly
B) The adult puffins told them too, and they don't want to get into "big trouble"
C) The fish are too large for them to hunt
D) They're afraid of humans
  • 14. Why do hundreds of pufflings crash-land in the village?
A) They probably get confused by the village lights
B) The children scare them
C) The cats and dogs chase them out of the sky
D) The adult puffins are out at sea.
  • 15. Why do the pufflings try to hide?
A) They are scared of jumping off the high cliffs and drowning.
B) They can't take off from flat ground and don't know what to do.
C) They haven't had a chance to run around yet, and it's super fun trying not to get eaten by dogs and cats.
D) They are running away from their parents
  • 16. What reason does the author give for the nights of the pufflings
A) The chicks can walk from their homes to the ocean
B) The chicks made their first flight so they can spend the winter at sea
C) The chicks are no longer hungry, and can fly
D) the chicks have started making long-distance flights
  • 17. How long do the children keep the pufflings in the cardboard boxes?
A) They wait until it is safe to set the pufflings on the sand
B) They set them free the next day.
C) The kids wait for the adult puffins to come back and get their pufflings
D) Forever. Pufflings are tasty.
  • 18. Why do the children of Heimaey rescue the pufflings?
A) it's an excuse to stay up past their bed-time for a week or so
B) to protect an endangered species
C) to make sure the birds keep coming back to their town
D) to help the pufflings fly out to sea
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