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"How Ben Franklin Stole the Lightning" Test
Поширений: Herrera
  • 1. Which of these did Ben Franklin invent?
A) the glass armonica
B) the fireplace
C) the light bulb
D) the kite
  • 2. Ben Franklin invented bifocals so that people could see __________.
A) underwater
B) up close and far away
C) during severe storms
D) in dark rooms
  • 3. According to the author of this article, Ben Franklin’s most important discovery was a way to __________.
A) heat rooms more quickly using less wood
B) keep sailors healthy during long voyages
C) keep lightning from burning down buildings
D) speed up traffic across the Atlantic
  • 4. What is the main idea of this article?
A) Ben Franklin was a curious boy.
B) Ben Franklin learned a lot about electricity.
C) Ben Franklin helped people with his inventions.
D) Ben Franklin was honored by the people of France.
  • 5. Ben Franklin’s experiment with the kite and the key proved that lightning __________.
A) is not really dangerous
B) can be used to heat houses
C) is pure electricity
D) can be put out with water
  • 6. What was one of Ben Franklin’s ideas about health?
A) Too much fresh air makes people catch colds.
B) It is dangerous to sweat.
C) It is healthful to drink lots of water.
D) Resting as much as possible is good for you.
  • 7. Read this sentence. When thunderstorms were brewing, people would ring the church bells for all they were worth. What does the idiom "for all they were worth" mean in this sentence?
A) The bells were even louder than the thunderstorms.
B) The bells were expensive.
C) The people rang the bells as hard as they could.
D) The people rang bells and everything around them.
  • 8. Read this sentence from the article. "Here’s the part of the story where Ben’s practice from thinking up all those inventions came in so handy." What does the idiom “came in so handy” mean in this sentence?
A) Ben Franklin practiced with his hands.
B) Ben Franklin taught others how to invent.
C) Ben Franklin’s practice helped him later.
D) Ben Franklin’s inventions became famous.
  • 9. Read this sentence. He wrote almanacs that gave hilarious advice. The word hilarious means __________.
A) funny
B) useful
C) wise
D) surprising
  • 10. Read this sentence. He even helped to write the Declaration of Independence. The word independence means __________.
A) freedom from the control of another or others
B) a show or exhibit
C) guard against attack or harm
D) having or deserving praise or honor
  • 11. Read this sentence. And in case climbing stairs made him dizzy, he invented a long wooden arm that could grab his books, too. The word dizzy means __________.
A) seeing things as they are
B) having the feeling of spinning and being about to fall
C) very bad or hopeless
D) very hard or impossible to understand
  • 12. Read this sentence. They aren't anywhere near as celebrated nowadays as the invention Ben made after he stole the lightning. The word nowadays means __________.
A) plainly seen
B) in the end; finally
C) in the present time
D) made certain or sure
  • 13. Read this sentence. The whole idea was to pull lightning safely out of the sky before it could do any mischief. The word mischief means __________.
A) a change for the better
B) a heavy, deep rolling sound
C) the giving of help to the poor or needy
D) conduct that may seem playful but causes harm or trouble
  • 14. Ben Franklin was the one who said __________.
A) there is no substitute for hard work
B) an apple a day keeps the doctor away
C) you should stay a kid as long as you can
D) life is good
  • 15. What did Ben Franklin invent when he was eleven? Write your answer in complete sentences.
  • 16. List five of Ben Franklin's accomplishments shared in the story.
  • 17. What does the idiom "everybody and his brother and sister" mean on page 786? Write your answer in complete sentences.
  • 18. What is the genre of this story?
A) realistic fiction
B) mystery
C) autobiography
D) biography
  • 19. What steps did Ben Franklin take to begin solving the problem of fires caused by lightning?
  • 20. In the last sentence on page 791, what does the author mean when she uses the idiom "the great inventor would have been toast"?
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