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The Keeping Room Final Test
Поширений: Kendall
  • 1. What genre is The Keeping Room
A) historical fiction
B) folktale
C) biography
D) realistic fiction
  • 2. What point of view is the novel written? Who tells the story?
A) first person, Joey
B) first person, Euven
C) third person, narrator
D) It isn't from anyone's point of view.
  • 3. Where do Joseph and his family live?
A) Boston, Massachusetts
B) Camden, South Carolina
C) Saratoga , New York
D) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • 4. Why is Joseph's father an important person in their community?
A) He gave land to build a church.
B) He pays Euven to teach Joseph.
C) He owns many businesses, and is one of the town's founders.
D) He is a part of the Revolutionary War
  • 5. When Joseph's father leaves for war Euven suggests that he writes letters (but not send them) to his father for what purpose?
A) to practice letter writing
B) to prepare him for college in England
C) to practice his penmanship
D) to help ease his worries
  • 6. Joseph struggles with what life skill through the entire novel?
A) pride
B) initiative
C) cooperation
D) courage
  • 7. According to the beliefs of Euven and Mrs. Kershaw, who are Quakers, how should citizens take part in the war?
A) They should fight with the Patriots.
B) They should hide until it is over.
C) They should join the British side.
D) They should not take part. Everything will work out on its own.
  • 8. The leaders of Camden choose to surrender to the British. What is the most sensible reason for their decision?
A) Euven convinced them it was the peaceful thing to do.
B) Their gun powder has been moved to another town.
C) Most of the town's men have gone away to fight and they have heard battle news that British soldiers show no mercy.
D) The preacher's wife made a big, beautiful flag.
  • 9. Why is the Kershaw house chosen as the British' headquarters for Lord Cornwallis, the commanding officer?
A) It is one of the larger, finer homes.
B) It has a nice garden.
C) It sits on a hill.
D) It is the middle of town.
  • 10. Taking and hiding his father's pistol most likely makes Joseph feel
A) older, wiser
B) sneaky, untrustworthy
C) confident, protected
D) uneasy, scared
  • 11. Col. Kershaw tells Joseph he is being sent to a jail in Bermuda and then tells him not to worry. Why?
A) He won't get smallpox there.
B) He knows Bermuda is a nice place.
C) He won't be killed; he will be traded for other prisoners when the war is over.
D) He will be writing letters every day.
  • 12. What deal does Joseph make with Captain Harkins so he can get American soldiers' letters delivered?
A) He must apologize to Keegan.
B) He must sweep the floor for him.
C) He must write letters for British soldiers.
D) He must watch men die on the gallows.
  • 13. What does Joseph do that makes him feel like he's helping the patriots?
A) He becomes a soldier.
B) He hides his father's gun in the wood box.
C) He becomes a scribe.
D) He watches men die at the gallows.
  • 14. A scribe is someone who
A) receives letters for others.
B) delivers letters for others
C) writes letters for others
D) sends letters for others
  • 15. Why does Joseph set fire to the small building his family has been sent to?
A) He wants to keep his family warm.
B) He's afraid his family will be exposed to smallpox.
C) He wants Biddy to cook.
D) He wants to get back at Keegan.
  • 16. What is Joseph's punishment for setting the fire?
A) He has his hands and feet chained for three days in the keeping room.
B) He is to be drawn and quartered like Enoch Groves.
C) He has to go to Burndale with his family and is not allowed to come back.
D) He is sent to the gallows with the rest of the prisoners.
  • 17. Joseph tells Mary to take some of his books with her to their Uncle's house in Burndale. Why is this important for the reader to understand?
A) It lets us know Joseph is growing up and has formed his own ideas (instead of his father's) about things in life.
B) It lets us know Joseph doesn't want them anymore.
C) It lets us know Mary is smart.
D) It lets us know Euven is not coming back to teach.
  • 18. Joseph is ordered to tend to the needs of the prisoners by Lord Rawdon. Why doesn't he feel it is punishment?
A) He is now at peace with himself since the war began.
B) He doesn't have anything else to do.
C) He now likes the British.
D) He now understands how to listen.
  • 19. Cato tells Joseph about his early life in Africa and how he was separated from his parents. Joseph in turn tells Cato he never wants to be called "master" and will never own slaves. What is the most likely reason for this?
A) He thinks his dad's ideas are foolish.
B) Cato has been nice to him.
C) He now understands from experience what it is like to be enslaved and without freedom.
D) Euven and his mom believe it's wrong and now he does too.
  • 20. Joseph never fired his father's pistol. What was Captain Harkins likely trying to do?
A) He was going to grab the pistol from Joseph.
B) He was going to help Euven get up.
C) He was hoping to stop Watkins from firing his gun.
D) He was going to get some tea.
  • 21. What do the British do before they leave for Charleston?
A) They take down the gallows.
B) They set the house on fire.
C) They destroy furniture and parts of the house.
D) They tell Joseph and Cato to leave.
  • 22. What is most important about Joseph's real letter to his father in Chapter 12?
A) Joseph wants to see his father.
B) Joseph tells him about all the changes.
C) Joseph is able to put into words what he truly thinks and feels even though it differs from his father's ideas.
D) Joseph wants to upset his father.
  • 23. What is the best theme for this novel?
A) People on the opposite side of war are ALWAYS your enemy.
B) War changes all things including people.
C) Learning at home is best.
D) Letter writing solves problems.
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