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Tangerine Reading Test
Поширений: Hunter
  • 1. Who is the author of Tangerine?
A) Edward Bloor
B) Louis Lowry
C) Edward Blue
D) Gary Paulsen
E) Gary Soto
  • 2. What is the setting of Tangerine?
A) Tangerine County, Florida
B) Tangerine County, Georgia
C) Tangerine County, Texas
D) Houston, Texas
E) Florida County, Texas
  • 3. What is happening at the beginning of the story?
A) The Fishers are moving from Florida to Texas
B) The Fishers are moving to Tangerine County, Georgia
C) The Fishers are moving from Texas to Florida
D) The Fishers are going on a vacation to Florida
E) The Fishers are going camping
  • 4. Based on early descriptions, what social class do the Fisher family most likely fit into?
A) upper-middle class
B) rich famous class
C) upper class
D) low-middle class
E) low poor class
  • 5. How does the author depict Mom's character in the beginning of the story?
A) mom seems unorganized, and active
B) mom seems particular, organized, efficient, and very active
C) mom seems very upset and nervous
D) mom seems unorganized and lazy
E) mom is demanding and lazy
  • 6. What incident does Paul remember as he and his mom are about to leave the house?
A) looking at the sun and hurting his eyes when he was younger
B) he was almost attacked with a baseball bat while riding his bike
C) his brother punching him in the face causing his bad eyesight
D) walking home and almost run over by a black car
E) almost hit with a baseball bat while walking home
  • 7. How do Paul's parents respond to his story about his brother's behavior towards him?
A) his parents discipline his brother by grounding him for a week
B) his parents ground Paul for a week for lying
C) his parents just tell him that his brother would not hurt him and gives him a hug
D) his parents dismiss it and blame it on his poor vision
E) his parents say that he is blaming his brother because he is jealous
  • 8. What does Paul mean when he says, "I can see everything. I can see things that Mom and Dad can't, or won't"?
A) he has poor vision, but he knows the truth about his brother's character
B) he has poor vision, and he knows what mom is hiding from him about his eyesight
C) he knows his brother protects him, but he blames him so he doesn't get in trouble for being bad
D) he can see good things that happen, but not the bad things
E) he can see bad things that happen, but not the good things
  • 9. Where does Paul and his family move from?
A) Austin, Texas
B) Charleston, North Carolina
C) Tangerine County, Georgia
D) Versailles, Italy
E) Houston, Texas
  • 10. Why is Paul's brother's career so important to Dad?
A) he doesn't know how to play soccer
B) his oldest son has a handicap and cannot play
C) dad regrets not playing that sport in college and thinks that his oldest son can play for him and receive a scholarship to college
D) Paul is not good at football
E) he thinks that you should only go to school to play sports
  • 11. What does this quote, "It's like we are major leaguers who've been sent down to a minor-league city to do great things, and then move back up to the big leagues"?
A) Paul's brother will skip playing football in middle school, and become a star player at college
B) Paul's brother will be a star soccer player in a small town and he will play for a professional team in the future
C) The community is small enough that the Fisher family will stand out and Paul's brother will be a football star and will be able to play for a professional team in the future.
D) Paul's brother will never be a star playing for a small school
E) Paul's brother will never be a star until he moves back to a bigger town and a bigger school
  • 12. Why is Paul's mom concerned about P.E. classes at Paul's new school?
A) P.E. class will be held in a small portable
B) Paul needs P.E. classes since he will not be playing any sports
C) her son needs P.E. to stay in shape for sports
D) Paul's poor eyesight will not let Paul participate in P.E. classes as required
E) the school looks run down and not well-equipped for any sport
  • 13. How did Paul react when he first saw Florida?
A) he wants to get a drink of water and go barefoot in the fields
B) he is sad and wants to run away
C) he wants to burn down all of the trees and go back where he came from
D) he has an urge to get out and run through the fields and he thinks people should not burn down citrus trees
E) he is happy and wants to have a party to celebrate
  • 14. Why is Paul disqualified from playing for the Lake Windsor soccer team?
A) Paul skipped practice too many times
B) Paul got into a fight with one of the players
C) Paul would rather play football
D) Paul's IEP says that his eyesight is a disability and therefore he can't play
E) Paul doesn't live in the Lake Windsor district, and he should legally play for Tangerine Middle School
  • 15. What does Paul's brother tell his friends about Paul's poor eyesight?
A) he got hit with a soccer ball during a game
B) he was born with poor eyesight
C) He stared too long at a solar eclipse
D) someone pointed a laser pointer in his eyes and burned his cornea
E) someone sprayed paint in his eyes
  • 16. Paul's dad's plan to help his son that interferes with their family life is called what?
A) Paul Fisher Football Dream
B) Erik Fisher Football Dream
C) The Fishers Family Dream
D) Erik Fisher Soccer Dream
E) Paul Fisher Soccer Dream
  • 17. What group does Mrs. Fisher work with to make rules and improvements in the community?
A) Community Building Association
B) Home Improvement Association
C) Homeowners Association
D) Tangerine County Fire Department
E) PTA: Parents/Teachers Association
  • 18. Why is Paul fascinated by the people in the freak show?
A) Paul had never seen someone with body deformities
B) they move around a lot with the carnival and never have a place to call home
C) they seem to be happy with their lifestyle
D) he relates to the people in the show because his poor eyesight was caused by a freak accident
E) he has never seen anything so fascinating
  • 19. What is the name of the entire freak show?
A) Wonders of the Universe
B) Freaky Accidents
C) Freaky People
D) Buffalo Man & Frozen Fraulein
E) Wonders of the World
  • 20. Who is covering the news story on TV about the collapsed portables into a sinkhole?
B) Channel 2
C) Channel 15
  • 21. Who is the publisher of the Tangerine Times?
A) Mr. Bauer
B) Mr. Fisher
C) Mr. Donnelly
D) Mr. Costello
E) Mr. Guzman
  • 22. Why was Coach Walski Trying to get Paul disqualified from the Tangerine Middle team?
A) He has an IEP that says he is vision-impaired
B) He thinks Paul is a trouble-maker
C) Joey wants him to play at the other school
D) He wants Paul to be a player on his team
E) Paul was playing out of district
  • 23. Who escorted Paul around school on his first day at Tangerine Middle?
A) Paige
B) Cara
C) Betty Bright
D) Shandra
E) Theresa
  • 24. What does Paul notice in old family photographs?
A) He is not in them
B) He is not wearing glasses of any kind before the summer of the eclipse
C) Mr. Warner
D) He is a fat child
E) He has a scar on his face
  • 25. What scent does Paul smell as he is going to school and what is he referring to??
A) sweet scent of Luis' tangerines
B) golden glow scent of Luis' tangerines
C) sweet scent of Tino's tangerines
D) golden dawn scent of Luis' tangerines
E) golden dawn scent to Tino's tangerines
  • 26. What actually happened to Paul's vision?
A) Paul sprayed himself with spray paint
B) Paul looked into a solar eclipse
C) Paul got acid smeared in his eyes
D) Paul got kicked in the eye by a soccer ball
E) Paint was sprayed in his eyes by Erik and his friend
  • 27. What did Paul find on his father's computer?
A) a file containing information about what happened to Paul's vision
B) a file containing information on school that Erik can attend to play football
C) a file containing information on Erik's soccer scholarship offers
D) a file containing information on Erik's football scholarship offers
E) a file containing information on Paul's football scholarship offers
  • 28. Who is Shandra's brother and why does she not want her picture in the paper?
A) Antoine and she don't want to be recognized because her brother is playing on another team out of the district.
B) Antoine and she is afraid that she would be pulled off of the team since she is playing in the wrong district
C) Tino and she don't want to be recognized because her brother is playing on another team out of the district.
D) Arthur and she don't want to be recognized because her brother is playing on another team out of the district.
E) Author and she is afraid that she would be pulled off of the team since she is playing in the wrong district
  • 29. Why is Paul willing to play second string?
A) He will be playing on a co-ed team and he wants to meet one of the pretty girls
B) Because Joey is on the team and he wants to be with his best friend
C) he can be a member of the soccer team and be protected from his brother Erik
D) he can play football without his brother Erik picking on him
E) He is happy just to be playing soccer at all
  • 30. What is the name of the Soccer team from Lake Windsor?r
A) War Hawks
B) Golden Glow Tangerines
C) War Eagles
D) Seagulls
E) Osprey
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