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Поширений: Snow
  • 1. What is the driving force behind crustal movement?
A) Water pressure.
B) Convection currents in the mantle.
C) Gravitational pull from Earths surface
  • 2. what provides the energy for convection currents?
A) Rotation of Earth.
B) Force of the Ocean Waves.
C) Radioactive Decay.
  • 3. What are the different types of earthquake waves
A) P-waves
B) S-waves
C) Both P-waves and S-waves
  • 4. Where can most earthquake epicenters and volcanoes be found?
A) At the North Pole.
B) At the Equator.
C) At Plate Boundaries
  • 5. ___________ are geologists who study earthquakes.
A) Seismologist
B) Vulcanologist
C) Ichthyologist
  • 6. How do scientist know that Earths' inner core solid?
A) By refraction of P-waves.
B) An instrument used to drill to the center of Earth.
C) A Probe Submarine that travels to center of Earth.
  • 7. Which of the following should people not do to protect themselves during an earthquake?
A) Get under a sturdy desk or table
B) Stand under the largest-sturdiest Tree you can find.
C) Stay away from Windows.
D) Dy and against an interior wall
  • 8. The point in the crust where an earthquake occurs is called _____________.
A) Epicenter
B) Focus
C) Trench
  • 9. The point directly above the focus on the surface is called the _________________.
A) Trench
B) Epicenter
C) Focus
  • 10. ___- waves can travel through anything.
A) P
B) X
C) S
  • 11. __- waves can travel through solids only.
A) S
B) X
C) P
  • 12. What is the Richter Scale?
A) An instrument used to measure the distance an earthquake travels.
B) An instrument that measure the speed of the waves of an earthquake
C) A scale that measures the strength of an earthquake.
  • 13. What are the 2 types of Crustal plates?
A) Oceanic and Continental
B) Wet and Dry
C) Granite and Pumice
  • 14. The core is solid and made mostly of Iron.
A) True
B) False
  • 15. Using an egg as a model of Earth, the yolk represented what layer of Earth?
A) Mantle
B) Crust
C) Core
  • 16. Earths' crust is broken into approximately _____ pieces
A) 19
B) 100
C) 1900
  • 17. The plates move/float on top of the ________________
A) Mantle
B) Outer Core
C) Asthenosphere
  • 18. What is the name of the plate we live on?
A) African
B) Eurasian
C) North American
  • 19. Through countless investigations scientist and geologist have discovered that North America and Africa are moving further apart due to __________ __________, which is a widening of the ocean basin caused by continental drift and molten rock moving up to the surface and cooling
A) Rift-Zone
B) Sea-floor Spreading
C) Aftershocks
  • 20. A geologist, ___________ ____________ noticed similar rocks and fossil remains were found on continents which seemed to fit together like a giant puzzle.
A) Alfred Wegener
B) Isaac Newton
C) Max Plank
  • 21. The ___________is a band of volcanic and earthquake activity around the edge of the Pacific Plate.l
A) Laurasia
B) Ring of Fire
C) Gondwanaland
  • 22. ___________ is a large landmass that included all of Earths' present day continents.
A) Laurasia
B) Pangaea
C) Gondwanaland
  • 23. All of the following provide evidence that support Wegener's theory of Continental Drift with the exception of ______________
A) Fossil Evidence.
B) Glacial Scars.
C) Shape of Continents.
D) Volcano Locations.
  • 24. The crust makes up 1% of Earth.
A) False
B) True
  • 25. __________ waves are the fastest waves and travel through anything.
A) X-waves
B) P-waves
C) S-waves
  • 26. _______ waves are stronger and cause the most damage.
A) S-waves
B) X-waves
C) P-waves
  • 27. A ___________ fault is caused by forces that pull rocks apart.
A) Normal
B) Strike-Slip
C) Reverse
  • 28. A _________ fault has horizontal movement along it fault.t
A) Normal
B) Strike-Slip
C) Reverse
  • 29. A ________ fault is caused by forces that push rocks together.
A) Reverse
B) Normal
C) Strike-Slip
  • 30. If a p-wave arrives five minutes before the S-wave arrives how many km from the epicenter is a location?
A) 36km
B) 3.6km
C) 3600km
  • 31. The ___________ is the layer of Earth that lies just underneath the Crust.
A) Asthenosphere
B) Core
C) Crust
D) Mantle
  • 32. __________ is the layer of Earth below the asthenosphere. It is a thick layer of solid rock. Many scientists believe that the mantle transfers heat from the core to the surface
A) Crust
B) Mantle
C) Asthenoshpere
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