Potter, Leslie - |
Arcs & chords (17) | | 幻灯片 | 2013.05.15 |
Area of regular polygons (12) | | 幻灯片 | 2013.01.29 |
Arithmetic sequences & series 1 (15) | | 幻灯片 | 2013.05.16 |
Arithmetic sequences & series 2 (15) | | 幻灯片 | 2013.05.16 |
Calculating exponential decay (10) | | 幻灯片 | 2013.03.12 |
Calculating exponential growth (14) | | 幻灯片 | 2013.04.04 |
Congruency in isosceles and equilateral triangles (14) | | 幻灯片 | 2013.03.24 |
Continuous compounding (12) | | 幻灯片 | 2013.04.09 |
Domain, range and functions problem set #1 (8) | | 幻灯片 | 2014.03.30 |
Domain, range and functions problem set #2 (8) | | 幻灯片 | 2014.03.30 |
Domain, range and functions problem set #3 (20) | | 幻灯片 | 2014.03.30 |
Evaluate exponential expressions involving e (19) | | 幻灯片 | 2013.04.09 |
Evaluate polynomial 1 (10) | | 幻灯片 | 2013.01.28 |
Evaluate polynomial 2 (10) | | 幻灯片 | 2013.01.28 |
Evaluating rational exponents (16) | | 幻灯片 | 2013.02.20 |
Exponential & logarithmic expressions (33) | | 幻灯片 | 2013.03.15 |
Graphing exponential equations (26) | | 幻灯片 | 2013.04.05 |
Graphing radical equations (38) | | 幻灯片 | 2013.03.08 |