Ecology Quiz
Technique 1:  Sampling

A technique called sampling is sometimes used to
estimate population size.  In this procedure, the 
organisims in a few small areas are counted
and projected to the entire area.  For instance,
if a biologist countes 10 squirrels living in a 200 
square foot area, she could predict that there are 
100 squirrels living in a 2000 square foot area.
1.  Sampling Technique
A biologist collect 1 gallan of pond water and counted50 paramecium.  Based on the sampling technique,how many paramecium could be found in the pondif the pond were 1,000 gallons?
a. 50 paramecium
b. 500 paramecium
c. 5000 paramecium
d. 50,000 paramecium
Technique 2 - Mark and Recapture

In this procedure, biologist use traps to capture the
animals alive and mark them in some way.  The animals
are returned unharmed to their enviornment.  Over a 
long time period, the animals from the population are
continued  to be trapped and data is taken on how
many are captured with tags.  A mathematical
formula is then used to estimate population size.
2.  Mark and Recapture Technique
A biologist originally marked 40 butterflies in WilsonPark.  Over a month long period -butterfly trapscaught 200 butterflies.  Of those 200, 80 were foundto have tags.  Based on this information, what is the estimated population size of the butterflies in WilsonPark?
a. 400
b. 100
c. 8,000
d. 16,000
3.  Ultimately, all of the energy in most food chains
or food webs comes from:
a. Producers
b. Consumers
c. Decomposers
d. Scavengers
4. The producer in this food web is the:
a. Arctic Char
b. Polar Bear
c. Phytoplankton
5. Wastes and dead organisims from this food chainwill be fed upon by
a. tertiary consumers
b. decomposers
c. autotrophs
d. herbivores
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