- 1. A Student cuts his finger during the lab what should he do first.
A) notify the teachersafely. B) tell a friend C) put it in your mouth D) go straight to the nurse
- 2. When starting an project you should
A) get permission to begin, clear your area, and understand the directions B) put pointed objects away C) get your safety gear and get started D) leave all your equipment out when you are done
- 3. Safety symbols tell you
A) specific dangers in the lab B) remind you to clean up after C) what you are supposed to do in the lab D) all of the answer choices
- 4. If your doing an project with heat
A) use heat resistant gloves B) use eye protection C) use caution D) all of the answer choices
- 5. What is the most important thing to know about safety equipment
A) what it is called and where it is B) what it is called and how to use it C) where it is and who is responsible for it D) where it is and how to use it
A) not a big deal because we won’t use anything dangerous B) not allowed C) not allowed, but drinking is OK D) ok unless supervisor tells you otherwise
- 7. Report problems and accidents to the teacher immediately.
A) True B) False
- 8. Keep all food, drink, candy, and gum out of the lab area.
A) False B) True
- 9. You should always hurry in the lab so you can be done on time.
A) False B) True
- 10. Open shoes and loose clothing are good during a lab because they will not get in the way..
A) True B) False
- 11. It is only important to know where the safety equipment is.
A) False B) True
- 12. Keep your welding space organized and free of clothes, books, and other clutter.
A) False B) True
- 13. Electrical outlets are great places to put pencils and pens.
A) False B) True
- 14. Always wear safety goggles during lab sessions with heat or liquids.
A) True B) False
- 15. Only touch materials in welding lab when directed and never perform unauthorized projects.
A) False B) True
- 16. Make sure your goggles are on and properly adjusted when working in the lab.
A) False B) True
- 17. It is a good idea to touch the top of the hot plate after welding?
A) True B) False
- 18. You should wear your safety goggles until after you have cleaned up and left the welding area.
A) False B) True
- 19. It is okay to prop your safety goggles on the top of your head when you have finished what you are doing.
A) True B) False
- 20. You should always wash your hands after completing a project.
A) False B) True
- 21. Eating the chocolate chips we are using for the lab is okay because they are not dangerous chemicals.
A) True B) False
- 22. If you wear glasses you do not need to wear safety goggles.
A) True B) False
- 23. Putting on chap stick while in the lab is okay.
A) False B) True
- 24. You need to dress appropriately for labs with no loose clothing, tie hair back, and shoes that cover the top of the foot.
A) True B) False
- 25. Labs should be fun, so horseplay and goofing off is highly recommended.
A) True B) False
- 26. Before starting a project you should always make sure that you understand the procedures.
A) False B) True
- 27. You should avoid using gloves especially when welding.
A) True B) False
- 28. If you did not understand the directions you should.
A) Your lab partners and if they don't understand proceed with the lab. B) Proceed with the lab and try to figure it out as you go. C) Ask you lab partners first nd then the teacher if they don't understand. D) Tell the teacher you don't get it.
- 29. You should follow all directions
A) exactly and ask if you don't understand B) exactly but ignore the steps you don't understand. C) only if they make sense D) most of the time, but chnge things that don't amke sense.
- 30. If an accident happened in the lab it is okay to leave without telling anyone.
A) False B) True
- 31. Ask the teacher how you should clean up if he has not given specific directions.
A) True B) False
- 32. It is okay to touch everyday items like rulers before you are given permission because they are not dangerous.
A) False B) True
- 33. If you make a mess you should immediately try to clean it up
A) True B) False