Weather Vocabulary Quiz
  • 1. The amount of water vapor present in the air is?
A) humidity
B) air pressure
C) water vapor
D) wind
  • 2. True or False? The main reason why the atmosphere is heated is because light energy is absorbed by the surface of the earth and turned into thermal energy.
A) True
B) False
  • 3. Clouds form as moist air does what?
A) cools and condenses
B) dries and expands
  • 4. Water that is a gas is called?
A) water cycle
B) liquid
C) solid
D) water vapor
  • 5. Evaporation-condensation-precipitation describes the?
A) troposphere
B) water vapor
C) water cycle
D) mesosphere
  • 6. What occurs because of pressure or temperature differences in the air?
A) exosphere
B) earthquake
C) wind
D) troposphere
  • 7. Rain, sleet, snow, and hail are examples of?
A) thermosphere
B) precipitation
C) mesosphere
D) dew point
  • 8. The process of going from a liquid to a gas is?
A) evaporation
B) saturation
C) sublimation
  • 9. The name of cloud that produces thunderstorms is?
A) cumulous
B) stratus
C) cumulonimbus
D) cirrus
  • 10. Which of the following is a weather condition?
A) Hurricane
B) T-Storm
C) Temperature
D) Volcanic Eruption
  • 11. The smallest unit of a substance made of two or more atoms is called?
A) a mole
B) a millibar
C) a molecule
D) an element
  • 12. Which of the following is a weather event?
A) Wind
B) Rain
C) Tornado
D) Air Pressure
  • 13. The weight of the air above an area of Earth measured in millibars or inches of mercury is called?
A) humidity
B) air pressure
C) dew point
  • 14. A fast moving high pressure, cold air mass that moves in on a warm air mass and usually bring lots of rain and strong winds is called?
A) cold front
B) tsunami
C) hurricane
D) tornado
  • 15. Clouds that look like fluffy cotton balls indicating fair weather are called?
A) Cumulus
B) Cumulonimbus
C) Cirrus
  • 16. True or False? Thermal energy from the sun is transmitted through outerspace in order to get to the earth.
A) False
B) True
  • 17. Cold air is . . .
A) less dense
B) more dense
  • 18. Warm air molecules are . . .
A) less active
B) more active
  • 19. More densely packed air molecules will produce . . .
A) low air pressure
B) high air pressure
  • 20. True or False? Air masses move when high pressure air masses move towards low pressure air masses.
A) True
B) False
  • 21. True or False? Cookies on the top shelf tend to cook faster because hot air molecules rise.
A) True
B) False
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