ABE Math Skills Practice Test -1
  • 1. Which apartments will cost under $10,000 for a six month lease?
A) South Side and Highline CC
B) Highline CC and Northgate
C) Cedar Park and South Side
D) Northgate and South Side
E) Highline CC and Cedar Park
  • 2. Which apartment has the cheapest price per room?
A) Cedar Park
B) South Side and Cedar Park
C) South Side
D) Northgate
E) Highline CC
  • 3. How many pills will Macy take each day if she follows the prescription?
A) 1
B) 3
C) 4
D) 2
E) 5
  • 4. On what day will Macy finish this prescription bottle if she starts it from the date of the prescription?
A) 10/20/11
B) 10/30/11
C) 10/21/11
D) 10/15/11
E) 10/31/11
  • 5. How much of the basic eye exam does this patient have to pay?
A) $61
B) $215
C) $71
D) $37
E) $34
  • 6. How much of the contact fitting charge does the patient have to pay?
A) $71
B) $34
C) $286
D) $215
E) $37
  • 7. What is the patient's total balance due?
A) $286
B) $34
C) $37
D) $71
E) $215
  • 8. What is the perimeter of this figure?
A) 42 feet
B) 42 sq. feet
C) 104 sq. feet
D) 84 feet
E) 84 sq. feet
  • 9. What is the area of this figure?
A) 104 feet
B) 104 sq. feet
C) 84 sq. feet
D) 42 sq. feet
E) 84 feet
  • 10. There are 9 square feet in one square yard. How many square yards are in this figure?
A) A little more than 11 square feet
B) exactly 11 square yards
C) A little less than 11 square yards
D) A little more than 11 square yards
E) 11 square feet
  • 11. Which number when rounded to the nearest whole number is 306?
A) 305.43
B) 305.35
C) 305.09
D) 306.13
E) 306.63
  • 12. Using the digits 0, 3, 7, and 8 only once, which of the following are the largest and smallest decimal numbers you can write?
A) 0.8730 and 0.0873
B) 0.8730 and 0.0378
C) 0.0378 and 0.7803
D) 0.7830 and 0.0873
E) 0.8307 and 0.0783
  • 13. What is the value of the digit 2 in 321,769?
A) 200,000
B) 200
C) 2,000
D) 20
E) 20,000
  • 14. If the same number is used in both Xs, which of these statements would be true?
A) If X + 5 = 10, then 10 − X = 10
B) If 13 −X = 5, then 5 + X = 7
C) If 10 −X = 5, then 5 - X = 10
D) If X + 13 = 20, then 20 − 13 = 7
E) If X + 3 = 9, then X − 3 = 9
  • 15. Trung used 2 pairs of socks each day of his trip. His trip was 6 days long. If you include the 3 pairs of socks he lost, how many pairs of socks did Trung have after his trip?
A) 9
B) 10
C) 6
D) 15
E) 12
  • 16. Which of these groups of numbers shows counting by threes?
A) 113, 116, 120, 124
B) 57, 60, 62, 64
C) 123, 126, 129, 132
D) 85, 88, 90, 93
E) 132, 135, 139, 144
  • 17. My new car holds 13 gallons of gas in its tank. It averages 33 miles per gallon. How many miles can I travel on one tank of gas?
A) 429 gallons
B) 489 miles
C) 429 miles
D) 46 gallons
E) 46 miles
  • 18. Mario makes $8 and Trudy makes $10. Who makes more each week?
A) Trudy
B) Mario
  • 19. How many hours in total do the tutors work each week?
A) 24 hours
B) 20.5 hours
C) 20 hours
D) 21.5 hours
E) 22 hours
  • 20. If Melisa and Jacob both are paid $12 per hour, how much did they earn for the week altogether?
A) $121.78
B) $147
C) $148
D) $144.78
E) $145
  • 21. For one brand of cereal, the nutrition label shows 200 calories for a 1-cup serving of cereal alone and 250 calories for a one-cup serving with ½ cup skim milk added. By what percent does the number of calories increase when milk is added?
A) 20% increase
B) 25% increase
C) 80% increase
D) 30% increase
E) 8% increase
  • 22. The area of a square room is 36 square yards. The length of the room is 6 yards. How would you find its width?
A) 36 = w / 6
B) 36 = 6w
C) 36 = 6 - w
D) 36 = 6 + w
E) 36= (2)6 + (2)w
  • 23. Show how to solve. Find the ticket total for three adults, two students, and three children under 12 years old?
A) 2($9.50) + 2($8.50) + 3($5.00)
B) 3($9.50) + 2($8.50) + 2($5.00)
C) 3($9.50) + 2($8.50) + 3($5.00)
D) 2($9.50) + 3($8.50) + 2($5.00)
E) 3($9.50) + 3($8.50) + 3($5.00)
  • 24. Ha has an average of 80% on her three math tests. Which expression will she use to verify the average?
A) (75%+90%+80%)/3
B) (75%+85%+80%)/3
C) (75%+90%+85%)/2
D) (75%+90%+85%)/3
E) (75%+85%+80%)
  • 25. De Etta’s meeting started at 2:15 p.m. and ended at 3:40 p.m. How long was the meeting?
A) 1 hour and 15 minutes
B) 1 hour and 55 minutes
C) 1 hour and 25 minutes
D) 1 hour and 45 minutes
E) 1 hour and 5 minutes
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