One step problems
Ned rode his bike 7 miles to the library.
He took a shortcut on the way home which was only 5 miles long.
How many miles did Ned ride altogether?
Anne ate 6 cookies.
Samantha ate 4 more cookies than Anne.
How many cookies did Samantha eat?
Anne + 
Samantha = Total
Anna's team scored 5 runs in the first inning of the kickball game. 
They scored 6 more runs in the second inning and 3 runs in the last inning.
How many runs did Anna's team score in all?
Julie climbed 15 steps up the giant slide.
She climbed down 6 steps to talk to her friend, Maria.
Then she climbed up 8 steps to get to the top.
How many steps does the slide have?
steps up so far
Total height of stairs
Suzanne has 8 pairs of white socks and 6 pairs of blue socks.
Her sister has 12 pairs of white socks.
How many pairs of socks does Suzanne have?
What information did you not need to solve this
Suzanne has 8 Pairs of white socks
Her sister has 12 pairs of white socks
Suzanne has 6 pairs of blue socks
What information did you not need to solve this
Kurt spent 7 minutes studying for his spelling test.
He took a 3 minute snack break.
Then he studied for 5 more minutes.
How long did Kurt study altogether?
He took a 3 minute snack break. 
Kurt spent 7 minutes studying for his spelling test.
Then he studied for 5 more minutes.
Peter spelled 9 words correctly.
There were 15 spelling words on the test
Miguel spelled 7 words correctly.
What information did you not need to solve the problem.
There were 15 spelling words on the test.
Peter spelled 9 words correctly.
Miguel spelled 7 words correctly.
How many words did Miguel spell incorrectly?
Mom gave Melissa 10 cherries.
Melissa ate 3 of them.
Mom gave Melissa 8 more cherries.
How many cherries did Mom give Melissa in all?
Dennis wants to buy 2 candy bars.
Candy bars cost 8 cents and gum costs 5 cents.
How much will Dennis pay?
What information did you not need to solve the problem.
Dennis wants to buy 2 candy bars.
Candy bars cost 8 cents
gum costs 5 cents.
Tim caught 6 ladybugs.
Ali caught 7 and Jon caught 5.
The children put some of their ladybugs in a big jar.
The jar then had 8 ladybugs. 
How many ladybugs were not placed in the jar? 
9 penguins were on the ice.
There were 3 more penguins on the ice than in the water.
How many penguins are there altogether?
Maggie, Tom, and Andy have some cookies.Maggie has 6 cookies. 
She has 2 more cookies than Tom and 1 less cookie than Andy.
How many cookies do they have altogether?
Jesse wrote a number on a piece of paper.
She subtracted 5 from it and got a number equal to the sum
 of 3 and 6.
What number did Jesse write?
There were 14 brownies on two plates.
Benjy took 2 brownies off the first plate.
Then there were only 4 brownies on that plate.
How many brownies were on the second plate?
When Carl put the number 4 into a number machine, out came 
the number 9. 
He tried it again with the number 7. 
The number 12 came out that time. 
Carl tried again with a new number and the number 15 came 
What number had Carl put into the machine?
Ernie and Bert went trick-or-treating.
They counted their candy when they were done.
Ernie said, "I have double the candy bars you have."
Bert said, "I only have 6 candy bars."
How many candy bars did Ernie and Bert have together?
candy bars
Jack has 2 marbles.
Derek has 6 more marbles than Jack.
Ralph counted his marbles and said, "I have 3 fewer 
marbles than the two of you have together."
How many marbles do the boys have altogether?
One tootsie roll and two lollipops cost 14 cents.
One tootsie roll and one lollipop cost 10 cents.
How much does a tootsie roll cost?
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