Biology cells and systems test MCC
  • 1. Deoxygenated blood is rich in carbon dioxide?
A) True
B) Fales
  • 2. The lungs are considered to be a major component of the circulatory system?
A) Fales
B) True
  • 3. Chewing with your teeth is an example of chemical digestions?
A) True
B) False
  • 4. Alveoli are adapted to make gas exchange in the lungs occur more easily?
A) Fales
B) True
  • 5. Enzymes are an example of chemical digestion?
A) False
B) True
  • 6. The Pulmonary vein
A) One of the top chambers of the heart
B) Transports blood away from the lungs once blood is oxygenated and back to the heart
C) The “pump” of the circulatory system
  • 7. The Pulmonary artery
A) Transports blood away from the lungs once blood is oxygenated and back to the heart
B) Transports blood to lungs and away from the heart
C) One of the top chambers of the heart
  • 8. The Ventricle
A) One of the bottom chambers of the heart
B) The “pump” of the circulatory system
C) One of the top chambers of the heart
  • 9. which organ of the digestive system stores bile
A) Large intestines
B) Rectum
C) Gall bladder
  • 10. The Large intestines
A) absorbs excess water
B) adds HCl and pepsin (enzyme) churns food
C) adds saliva, moisture, mechanically breaks down food
  • 11. which organ of the digestive system tube connects mouth to stomach. Food moves down it my peristalsis. (contraction of its walls)
A) Small intestines
B) Oesophagus
C) Large intestines
  • 12. What is the function of the respiratory system?
A) To get oxygen into the body and to get rid of carbon dioxide
B) To help us breath
C) To maintain blood pressure
D) To transport nutrients around the body
  • 13. Normal blood pressure is considered to be
A) 180/20
B) 80/120
C) 120/80
  • 14. The circulatory system is composed of:
A) The heart, blood and blood vessels
B) The heart, lungs, veins
C) The heart, lungs , arteries
  • 15. Veins carry blood
A) Away from the heart
B) back to the heat
C) are the main component of the digestive system
  • 16. In Figure 1 Chlorophyll would be found in:
A) B
B) D
C) A
D) C
  • 17. In Figure 1 If cells of this type were placed in strong light with all necessary requirements, it would be expected that:
A) Only cellular respiration would occur
B) No cellular respiration would occur
C) Photosynthesis and cellular respiration would occur
D) Only photosynthesis would occur
  • 18. If a person eats a ham salad sandwich, which of the following types of chemical digestion will occur first?
A) The ham will be broken down by a protease
B) The butter will be broken down by a lipase
C) The bread will be broken down by amylase
D) The lettuce will be broken down by cellulase
  • 19. Look at Figure 2 The Left Atrium is represented by
A) 8
B) 2
C) 5
D) 7
  • 20. In Firgure 2 The blood vessel that sends oxygenated blood to the rest of the body is the:
A) Aorta
B) Vena Cava
C) Pulmonary Artery
D) Pulmonary Vein
  • 21. In Figure 3 The correct sequence for the pathway of a drop of blood from its return to the heart from the lower body to its exit from the heart to go back to the lower body would be:
A) 1-2-7-4-6-5-8-3
B) 4-7-2-1-6-5-8-3
C) 6-5-8-4-1-2-7-3
D) 1-2-7-3-6-5-8-4
  • 22. All arteries
A) Carry oxygenated blood
B) Have thick muscular walls
C) Have valves
D) Take blood from organs
  • 23. A high surface area to volume ratio is an important factor in the function of the
A) Lung
B) Oesophagus
C) Trachea
D) Bladder
  • 24. Gaseous exchange occurs in the lung at the
A) Cilia
B) Alveoli
C) Bronchioles
D) Alveolar Duct
  • 25. What type of cell is in Figure 3 and justify your responce. (2 marks)
  • 26. Identify 4 structures in figure 3 (e.g. 1 = mitchondria) (4 marks)
  • 27. List two examples of enzymes found in the digestive system. (2 Marks)
  • 28. What is mechanical digestions and give an example. (2 marks)
  • 29. What is chemical digestions and give an example. (2 marks)
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