  • 1. The two features that determine the climate of an area are
A) temperature and weather
B) weather
C) temperature and precipitation
D) weather and precipitation
  • 2. This biome is the driest of all the biomes
A) Desert
B) Temperate Deciduous forest
C) Tundra
  • 3. This is the biome in which we live in
A) Temperate deciduous forest
B) Tropical rainforest
C) Coniferous forest
D) Grassland
  • 4. Climate is a pattern that is seen over a
A) what is happening outside
B) never known
C) short period of time
D) long period of time
  • 5. Climate and weather are the same thing
A) true
B) false
  • 6. This biome is the wettest biome of all the biomes
A) Savannah
B) Grassland
C) Tundra
D) Tropical Rainforest
  • 7. This biome is very cold all year long
A) Savannah
B) Tundra
C) Coniferous Forest
D) Temperate Deciduous Forest
  • 8. This biome is the most diverse biome containing the greatest variety of plants and animals
A) Savannah
B) Tundra
C) Tropical Rainforest
D) Coniferous Forest
  • 9. This biome can be found in central Africa where elephants, zebra, lions, and cheetahs live
A) Savannah
B) Grassland
C) Coniferous Forest
D) Tropical Rainforest
  • 10. This biome is known as the Taiga and can be found in Canada
A) Tundra
B) Grassland
C) Coniferous forest
D) Temperate Deciduous Forest
  • 11. Scorpions, cactus, lizards, snakes, and woodpeckers all live in this biome
A) Desert
B) Grassland
C) Tropical Rainforest
D) Savannah
  • 12. This biome's climate is warm summers, cold winters, and moderate precipitation
A) Temperate Deciduous Forest
B) Tropical Rainforest
C) Desert
D) Tundra
  • 13. This biome can be found in Antarctica and contains animals like seals, polar bears, and whales
A) Savannah
B) Coniferous Forest
C) Tundra
D) Temperate Deciduous Forest
  • 14. Lakes,rivers,streams, ponds, and creeks are all apart of the _____________ biome
A) Saltwater
B) Marine
C) Freshwater
  • 15. Sharks, dolphins, plankton, crabs, star fish and sea turtles are all apart of the ______________ biome
A) Marine
B) Freshwater
  • 16. Frogs, catfish, beavers, snakes, and toads are all found in this biome
A) Saltwater
B) Marine
C) Freshwater
  • 17. Pick one biome you are familiar with. Discuss the climate, location, animal life and plant life. Be sure to give at least 3 examples of animals and plant. 10pts
  • 18. The word deciduous means
A) to change seasons
B) to fall off
C) to decide
D) to change color
  • 19. Why do deciduous trees lose their leaves?
A) to feed animals
B) to get more sunlight
C) to make the soil better
D) to save water during the winter or during the dry season
  • 20. Where are conifer seeds produced?
A) in waxy leaves
B) in trunks
C) in needles
D) in cones
  • 21. What covers the needles of conifers?
A) bark
B) weeds
C) waxy coating
D) sap
  • 22. Why do few large plants grow beneath conifers?
A) The ground is too bare
B) Animals eat them
C) It is too cold
D) Little light reaches the ground
  • 23. What does biodiversity mean?
A) Many kinds of plants and animals
B) great climate differences
C) a lot of rain
D) rich soil
  • 24. What is the rain-forest canopy
A) ground
B) vines
C) tree trunks
D) treetops
  • 25. What are the main plants in temperate grasslands?
A) shrubs
B) grasses
C) conifers
D) crops
  • 26. Why are there few trees in temperate grasslands?
A) deep roots
B) fires
C) too much rain
D) rolling hills
  • 27. How do plants adapt to the desert climate?
A) they do not have flowers
B) they have roots above the ground
C) they grow only at night
D) They grow far apart so they don't have to compete with each other for water
  • 28. What is permafrost?
A) soil that is always frozen
B) a plant in the tundra
C) muddy soil
D) soil that has thawed
  • 29. How does the alpine tundra differ from the polar tundra?
A) it has many trees
B) it is on mountain tops
C) it gets no sunlight
D) it does not have permafrost
  • 30. Which adaptation would NOT help an arctic plant survive in the tundra?
A) pine needles
B) thick insulating tree bark
C) large wide, fleshy leaves
  • 31. Which of the following is a key abiotic factor in rivers
A) amount of salt
B) number of fish
C) how animals adapt
D) speed of water
  • 32. Which of the following ocean animals need warm water to live?
A) animals on the ocean floor
B) animals in coral reefs
C) barnacles
D) whales
  • 33. How does a swamp differ from a marsh?
A) It has salt water
B) It has many birds
C) It has very wet soil
D) It has trees
  • 34. Which ocean temperature zone is the warmest?
A) Intertidal zone
B) littoral zone
C) deep zone
D) thermocline
  • 35. Which of the following is NOT an intertidal area?
A) coral reef
B) mudflat
C) rocky shore
D) sandy beach
  • 36. What makes it possible for many animals to live in the polar ice ecosystem?
A) cold air
B) floating algae
C) coral reefs
D) large numbers of plankton
  • 37. Which lake zone is closet to the land's edge?
A) deep-water zone
B) littoral zone
C) open-water zone
D) tributary
  • 38. Which biome has the greatest biological diversity?
A) temperate grassland
B) coniferous forest
C) tropical rain forest
D) alpine tundra
  • 39. Which biome would have trees with cones
A) coniferous forest
B) temperate grassland
C) tropical rain forest
D) alpine tundra
  • 40. Which biome is found on the mountain top?
A) alpine tundra
B) tropical rainforest
C) temperate grassland
D) coniferous forest
  • 41. Which is the ocean floor?
A) intertidal zone
B) oceanic zone
C) benthic zone
D) neritic zone
  • 42. Which zone is where the ocean meets the land?
A) oceanic zone
B) intertidal zone
C) benthic zone
D) neritic zone
  • 43. This area has warm water and sunlight
A) neritic zone
B) ocean floor oceanic zone
C) benthic zone
D) intertidal zone
  • 44. This is the zone where the sea floor drops sharply
A) benthic zone
B) oceanic zone
C) intertidal zone
D) neritic zone
  • 45. An important ecosystem for flood control is a
A) desert
B) wetland
C) river
D) ocean
  • 46. A wetland with no trees is a
A) forest
B) savanna
C) swamp
D) marsh
  • 47. Components of a desert ecosystem include
A) plants that grow far apart
B) all of these
C) a hot dry climate
D) animals that are active mostly at night
  • 48. The forest biome that receives the most rainfall is the
A) temperate deciduous forest
B) tropical rain forest
C) coniferous forest
D) desert
  • 49. Which of these is an abiotic factor in a desert?
A) a lizard
B) the soil
C) a cactus
D) coyote
  • 50. Water temperature
A) increases as water gets deeper
B) affects the types of organisms that can live in a marine ecosystem
C) has no effect on the animals in a marine ecosystem
  • 51. All of these are abiotic factors in a marine ecosystem except:
A) sharks and whales
B) water temperature
C) water depth
D) the amount of sunlight that passes into the water
  • 52. One major abiotic factor in freshwater ecosystems is the
A) width of the stream or river
B) source of the water
C) speed of the water
D) none of these
  • 53. Trees that lose their leaves in the fall are called
A) tall trees
B) evergreen trees
C) deciduous trees
D) coniferous trees
  • 54. In which major ocean zones are plants and animals exposed to air for part of the day?
A) benthic zone
B) neritic zone
C) intertidal zone
D) oceanic zone
  • 55. An abiotic factor that affects marine ecosystems is
A) All of these
B) the depth of the water
C) the amount of sunlight that passes through the water
D) the temperature of the water
  • 56. This is a marine ecosystem that includes mudflats, sandy beaches and rocky shores
A) an intertidal area
B) the Sargasso Sea
C) polar ice
D) coral reef
  • 57. An ecosystem consists of
A) many populations of a number of species
B) only the abiotic environment such as rainfall and soil
C) a community of organisms and its abiotic environment
D) all the places on Earth where life exists
  • 58. Plants that can NOT tolerate water with a constantly changing salt content are NOT likely to be found in
A) the neritic zone
B) a freshwater stream
C) an estuary
D) a pond
  • 59. Trout thrive in the oxygen-rich waters of cool, fast-moving streams. Which of the following events might reduce the population of trout in a mountain stream?
A) Ash and silt from a forest fire cover the surface of the stream
B) The movement of a boulder forms a new waterfall
C) There is unusually heavy snowfall in the winter
D) The flow of a tributary stream slows slightly
  • 60. What important abiotic factor is used to characterize a biome?
A) soil
B) plants and animals
C) climate
D) number of ecosystems
  • 61. Why are savannas well-suited to supporting large herbivores?
A) They are cold and dry
B) They are dry and hot
C) They are areas where grasses are the main plants
  • 62. Marshes and Swaps are two types of wetlands. What is the main factor that swamps have that marshes don't have?
A) moist soil
B) trees
C) birds
D) plants
  • 63. An area where fresh water from rivers mixes with salt water from the ocean is called
A) an estuary
B) an intertidal area
C) a neritic area
D) a coral reef
  • 64. Sam is making a terrarium for a praying mantis he wants to study. Praying mantises are carnivores. Sam has placed the following in his terrarium: soil, twigs, a rock, a small dish of water, and the praying mantis. What is missing from Sam's terrarium?
A) plants for the praying mantis to eat
B) a mouse for the praying mantis to eat, and grains for the mouse to eat
C) other insects for the praying mantis to eat
D) other insects for the praying mantis to eat, and plants for the other insects to eat
  • 65. What percent of the Earth is covered with oceans?
A) 40%
B) 50%
C) 75%
D) 25%
  • 66. Which biome can be found on all continents except Antarctica
A) deserts
B) grasslands
C) Tundra
D) Taiga
  • 67. The Nile River is a freshwater ecosystem
A) False
B) True
  • 68. The Everglades in Florida is a wetland ecosystem
A) False
B) True
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