Micro-Organisms Question Bank
  • 1. What are cilia used for?
A) To help a cell communicate
B) To help a cell breath
C) To make a cell move
D) To fight invading organisms
  • 2. What insect infects people with Black Plague?
A) Grasshopper
B) Tse-Tse fly
C) Mosquito
D) Flea
  • 3. What is something good that protists do?
A) Make yogurt
B) Help bread rise
C) Create soap
D) Produce oxygen
  • 4. Bacteria do not...
A) Cause infections
B) Cause Black Plague
C) Decompose trash
D) Cause Malaria
  • 5. Which of these does not have a nucleus?
A) Protist Cell
B) Bacteria Cell
C) Plant Cell
D) Animal Cell
  • 6. Which of the following are one-celled organisms?
A) Bacteria, Animals
B) Animals, Plants
C) Bacteria, Protists
D) Protists, Plants
  • 7. What is something good that fungi do?
A) Create soap
B) Produce oxygen
C) Make yogurt
D) Make bread rise
  • 8. What is the best description of a flagellum?
A) A whiplike structure that protists used to move
B) Small hairlike likes that protists use to move
C) An armlike extension that grabs food
D) None of the above
  • 9. What is the brain of the cell?
A) Nucleus
B) Ribosomes
C) Endoplasmic Reticulum
D) Cell Wall
  • 10. Which of the following is not a characteristic of all living things?
A) Ability to reproduce
B) Ability to jump
C) Ability to use energy (food or sun)
D) Ability to move
  • 11. The parts of a cell besides the nucleus are called...
A) Diatoms
B) Organelles
C) Ciliates
D) Flagellates
  • 12. Athletes foot is caused by...
A) a bacteria
B) a fungus
C) a protist
D) a virus
  • 13. Alexander Fleming's discovery that that mold could kill bacteria led to the invention of this medicine.
A) Tough Actin' Tinactin
B) Penicillin
C) Tylenol
D) Flu vaccine
  • 14. We are trying to grow as much mold on bread as we can. What should we do to achieve this?
A) Dry the bread out and keep it in the sun
B) Put the bread on a plate in a dark, moist area
C) Seal the bread in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator
D) Put the bread in the freezer
  • 15. A flu shot helps the body do this.
A) Kill bacteria like yersinia pestis
B) Flush waste out of your system
C) Produce high amounts of red blood cells
D) Build up antibodies that will defend against the virus
  • 16. Why might a toilet seat have one of the least amounts of bacteria in a test?
  • 17. Which micro-organism mostly lives in water.
A) Protists
B) Bacteria
C) Viruses
D) Fungi
  • 18. Explain why flooding can make lots of people sick, even when all the water goes away. What micro-organisms might be left behind and what problems could they cause?
  • 19. What are the tube-like structures that connect fungi cells?
A) capsid
B) hyphae
C) flagella
D) proteins
  • 20. Viruses are not considered living organisms.
A) False
B) True
  • 21. Which of the following transmits the plamodium protist that causes malaria?
A) House Fly
B) Dog Flea
C) Anopheles Mosquito
D) Deer Tick
  • 22. Which of the following is not part of the virus cycle.
A) Making copies itself with the cell's machinery
B) Attaching to a cell
C) Mating with other viruses to produce baby viruses
D) Breaking out of a cell and killing it in the process
  • 23. Explain why you think the projector button might have more bacteria growth than other areas. What can you learn from that?
  • 24. Getting a vaccine helps your body build up these.
A) Red Blood Cells
B) White Blood Cells
C) Antibodies
D) Platelets
  • 25. Using antibacterial gel will clean the viruses off your hand.
A) False
B) True
  • 26. Describe the steps of how a virus invades your body and what it does to your cells.
  • 27. Describe why the flu shot will not make you sick.
  • 28. Yeast is an example of a:
A) Fungus
B) Bacteria
C) Virus
D) Protist
  • 29. Explain why you will not get sick from getting a flu shot (use the term disabled virus or inactive virus).
  • 30. Describe what white blood cells do.
  • 31. Antibodies kill viruses
A) False
B) True
  • 32. Describe the difference between an antigen and an antibody
  • 33. You are playing at a friend's house and notice his brother itching a reddish, circle shaped rash on his arm. Your friend's mom says she is going call the doctor about it. What might the rash be, and what could she try to cure it before going to the doctor?
  • 34. Billy wakes up with a headache and chills. He goes to the doctor a day later and finds out he has the flu. Billy had gotten a flu shot, but the doctor tells him... (tell why it's still possible for him to get the flu even if he's had a shot).
  • 35. Cindy has a bad ear ache. She goes to the doctor and finds out she has an ear infection. The doctor gives her antibiotics. What questions should she ask the doctor about the ear infection and the antibiotics?
  • 36. Tom has had a sore throat that's gotten worse over two days. He goes to the doctor. What will they most likely test for?
  • 37. Earl goes to the doctor with a cough and sore throat. After running some tests, they discover he has the rhinovirus. What is the treatment for this?
  • 38. How can you prevent athlete's foot?
  • 39. If you are going to a tropical destination, you may need to take anti-malaria medicine. What else could you do to prevent yourself (and others) from getting malaria?
  • 40. This virus is carried by mosquitoes and can cause serious harm to pregnant women (specifically the woman's child). It has recently been found in the U.S. in Florida.
A) River Blindness
B) Zika
C) Malaria
D) Ebola
  • 41. Describe the difference between an antibiotic and an antibody.
  • 42. Your friend Gomer likes to swim in the pond a few miles from his house. A few days after swimming he ends up having the worst diarrhea imaginable - real liquidy and it comes out fast. What likely caused this?
A) Giardia
B) Food Poisoning
C) Malaria
D) Taco Bell
  • 43. Edward Jenner infected a boy with cowpox (a less deadly form of smallpox). After the boy recovered, he gave him smallpox. This was the first known...
A) Fungi
B) Antigen
C) Vaccine
D) Medical Experiment
E) Animal to human disease
  • 44. Describe how Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin.
  • 45. Tell how Edward Jenner used the scientific process to discover vaccines. Tell about: 1) the Problem 2) the Hypothesis 3) the Experiment 4) the Results and Conclusion
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