A) Etienne B) Hugo Cabret C) Georges Melies D) Isabelle
A) Hugo ran into a wall B) The Station Inspector stepped on Hugo's hand C) Isabelle slammed them in a door D) Papa Georges hit his hand with a hammer
A) She stole it from Mama Jeanne B) She found it in the train station C) She got it from her mom D) She found it in the street
A) Movie Theater B) The Film Academy Library? C) Papa Georges' apartment D) He asks the Station Inspector
A) Etienne B) Isabelle C) Mama Jeanne D) Papa Georges
A) A Trip to the Moon B) The Mechanical Man C) A Day in the Sun D) A Night at the Museum
A) Toy Booth Owner B) Singer C) Magician D) Filmmaker
A) Hugo stole money from people's wallets B) Hugo & Isabelle sold the automaton C) Hugo & Isabelle worked at the toy booth D) Isabelle stole some money
A) He fought with Georges in the war B) He met Georges on a movie set & he inspired him C) He came to the toy booth D) He went to school with Georges
A) A bobby pin B) A paper clip C) A key D) A baseball bat
A) A ballerina B) A scientist C) The inventor of movies D) The star of Georges' movies
A) In a fire B) In a train accident C) In a car accident D) Sickness
A) Hiding in the train station B) Sick in a hospital C) Drowned in the river D) Car accident
A) Has bad teeth B) The top of one of his ears is missing C) Is very kind to Hugo D) Smells of cabbages
A) He almost fell into a hole B) He almost got run over by a train? C) He was pushed off a building D) He almost drowned
A) A top hat B) A pair of red boots C) A colorful scarf D) A cape with stars & moons on it
A) In a hotel B) In the train station C) On the streets D) In Papa Georges' apartment
A) A large purse B) A fan C) A camera D) A diamond necklace
A) King Hugo B) Professor Alcofrisbas C) Hugh D) Professor C
A) A detective B) A train conductor C) A thief D) A magician |