Lemon Brown: Literary Terms
  • 1. A ______ character is one that does not change throughout a story.
A) Impromptu
B) Static
C) Dynamic
D) Beckoned
E) Gnarled
  • 2. A ______ character is one that changes in the course of a story.
A) Dynamic
B) Impromptu
C) Static
D) Ominous
E) Tentative
  • 3. __________ is the use of different speech or grammar because of location or influence
A) Ajar
B) Gnarled
C) Dynamic
D) Dialect
E) Beckoned
  • 4. The _________ is the beginning of the story, where characters and setting are introduced
A) Exposition
B) Conflict
C) Falling Action
D) Rising Action
E) Climax
  • 5. In the __________________, the story progresses from the initial conflict to the climax.
A) Falling Action
B) Climax
C) Resolution
D) Rising Action
E) Exposition
  • 6. The _____________ is the point in the story with the most tension, and is often the most exciting.
A) Rising Action
B) Falling Action
C) Conflict
D) Resolution
E) Climax
  • 7. The ______________________ happens after the climax, as events begin to be resolved.
A) Rising Action
B) Falling Action
C) Exposition
D) Conflict
E) Resolution
  • 8. The ___________________ is the conclusion of the story.
A) Climax
B) Falling Action
C) Rising Action
D) Exposition
E) Resolution
  • 9. The primary _________________ is the struggle between two people or objects, which drives the story forward.
A) Climax
B) Issue
C) Conflict
D) Resolution
E) Character
  • 10. When a conflict is between a person and another person or object, it is
A) Hyperbole
B) External
C) Metaphor
D) Internal
E) Foreshadowing
  • 11. Beyond the tree, on a lonely hillside, stood a dark castle, and as Sir Launcelot rode toward it, a powerful knight on a great war-horse rode out to meet him. “I am Sir Turquine,” he announced, “and if you are from the Round Table, I challenge you!” “Indeed I am loyal to King Arthur, and always will be!” was Launcelot’s ready reply. No more needed to be said. The two knights set their spears and galloped toward each other. With a sound like thunder, each struck the other in the middle of his shield, and the mighty clash caused both horses to collapse.
A) External Conflict: Force of Nature
B) Internal Conflict
C) External Conflict: Another Character
D) External Conflict: Society
  • 12. Aunt Danni and I raise vegetables on our farm out in the valley. Each Saturday we truck the produce to the green market in the city. That’s how we earn money. Not that we’ve earned any this summer though. Due to the drought, our lettuce burned in the sun, the tomatoes died on the vine, and the beans never sprouted.
A) Internal Conflict
B) External Conflict: Society
C) External Conflict: Force of Nature
D) External Conflict: Another Character
  • 13. “You’re making a big mistake,” Jan’s teachers and guidance counselor warned her when she announced she wasn’t applying to college. Her parents and friends shook their heads at her decision too. Jan’s older sister, who was already in law, begged Jan to reconsider. Jan tried to explain that she was tired of school, that she needed a break. No one, however, understood.
A) External Conflict: Society
B) External Conflict: Force of Nature
C) Internal Conflict
D) External Conflict: Another Character
  • 14. Anita pushed aside the note cards on her desk to find her phone. It was Earlene, calling for the third time that afternoon. “Have you decided about going to the rally tonight?” “I don’t know what to do!” Anita moaned. “I really want to go, but if I don’t finish this paper for Mr. Diaz tomorrow, it’s an automatic F.”
    “Well come for a little while at least,” Earlene urged. “I don’t know,” Anita sighed. “I just don’t know.”
A) External Conflict: Force of Nature
B) External Conflict: Society
C) External Conflict: Another Character
D) Internal Conflict
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