Aesop Fables- The Frogs and the Well
Aesop Fables
  The Frogs and the Well
Two brother frogs lived together in a marsh.

One summer, it got so hot that the marsh dried up.
The two frogs left in search of another cool
                damp place to live.
They searched for days and days. Just as they
were about to give up hope, by and by they came
                         upon a well.
The younger, foolish brother hopped up on the
well to get a better look. The bottom of the well
   was pitch black and he couldn't see a thing.
"This looks like a nice cool place. Let's jump in and settle here."
    The older brother with a wiser head on his shoulders, replied,
"Not so fast, my friend. Supposing this well dried up like the marsh,
                            how should we get out aga........
           Before the older, wiser brother could finish his sentence 
the younger, foolish brother leaped into the well without even thinking.
With a great THUD, the frog hit the bottom of the well to find
           there was no water, no food, and no way out.
Main Characters:
Lesson Learned:
If you boast about yourself
     you may regret it.
Look before you leap
Don't count your chickens
     before they hatch
What adventure did the frogs take?
They tried to cross the road
They went to catch some flies
They went in search of water
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