October Sky

1.  What was the name of the first satellite

 that orbited in space?


b.  Sputnik

d.  Golden Eye
a.  Hubble Telescope
c.  International Space Station
2.  What country developed the first orbiting satellite?
a.  USA
b.  France
d.  Mexico
c.  Russia

3.  What other subject did Mrs. Riley (science teacher)

say that science required in the National Science Fair?

a.  English
b.  Math

d.  Physics

c.  Reading

4.  Which war just ended during

the time period of this movie?

a.  Civil War
b.  The French War
d.  World War I

c.  The Cold War

5. What fuel did the "rocket boys" switch to?

b.  alcohol-moonshine
c.  biogas
a.  gasoline

6. How did the rocket boys adjust the model

of the rocket?

a.  made the body longer
b.  made the body wider
c.  used a different material
a.  to melt the material for the rocket
b.  to use the material for their launch pad
7. Why did the rocket boys steal the railroad ties?
c.  to sell the material for money
8. What was the name of the rocket scientist that
 supported Homer and sent an autograph picture
 of himself to Homer on his birthday?
b.  Niels Bohr
c.  Wernher von Braun

a.  Albert Einstein

9. What subject did Quinton assist Homer with to determine if they started the forest fire?
Rocket science
10. What was Homer's dream of becoming one day?
a.  Coal Miner
b.  Science Teacher
c. NASA Engineer

11. What place did Homer and the Rocket Boys

 win in the National Science Fair?

a.  3rd Runner Up
b.  2nd Runner Up
c.  1st Place

12. What was the name of the last rocket

the Rocket Boys lauched?

a.  John (Homer's father)
d.  Dr. Wernher von Bruan
b.  Miss Riley
c.  October Sky

13. Homer carried a metal tag that belonged

 to Ike Bykovski for good luck.

 What was the number on the tag?




14. Where did Homer's mom want to retire?
Myrtle Beach 
15. What was the name of the Rocket boys
 launch site?
Cape Rocket Boys
Cape Canaveral
Cape Coalwood
Cape Riley
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