6.3 (Practice ) The Percent Equation
20% of 150 is What number?
45 is what percent of 60?
35% of what number is 35?
0.8% of 150 is what number?
29 is what percent of 20?
0.5% of what number is 12?
What percent of 300 is 51?
120% of what number is 102?
24 is what percent of 60?
8 is 40% of what number?
What number is 70% of 120?
30 is what percent of 120?
112 is 56% of what number?
128 is what percent of 80?
What number is 140% of 45?
15 is 6% of what number?
Your class is going on a field trip. 24 students have turned 
in their permission slips so far. This is 80% of the students
in the class. How many students are in the class?
Use the equation to solve the Problems
You take a test with 32 questions on it. You answered
24 question correctly. What percent of the questions did
you answer  correctly?
a(is) = %    w(of)
Use the equation to solve the Problems
(a) p is 20% of 190. How many pennies do you have?
You have (r) rare coins, consisting of (p) pennies and 
(n) nickels.
a(is) = %    w(of)
n is 60% of r. How many nickels do you have?
Use the equation to solve the Problems
(a) 120% of a whole number is always greater than
 the number
(b) you can find 0.5% of a number by multiplying the
number by 0.05
a(is) = %    w(of)
Use the equation to solve the Problems
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