• 1. Ms. Mary Mack is the Social Studies teacher. She has prepared a test to assess her students by having them match the concept of different geographical accidents with the description that corresponds to each. Would you classify her assessment activity as CLIL?
  • 2. Mr. Randall is the Math teacher. He has assigned his students (in groups of four) a particular type of equation. Each group has to read the characteristics in the book, understand the type of equation, and figure out how to solve them. While learners work, teacher monitors, solves doubts, and validates processes and understanding. After 30 minutes, each group has to pass to the front and explain the type of equation they were assigned and solve an example. To which stage of CLIL does this activity belong?
A) Focus on Writing
B) Focus on Language
C) None of the previous.
D) Activating Knowledge.
E) Guiding Understanding
  • 3. Luis lives in Honduras and he takes a Science and Technology course. His teacher has assigned him to design a device to produce electricity and gave him a week to do it. Luis received a research guide with different methods to produce energy and he chose one of them. After a week's work, he built a prototype of a water mill. His task is to present a "show & tell" to present his prototype to the class, explaining the principles he used to construct it and the process of electric energy production. To which stage of CLIL does this activity belong?
A) Guiding Understanding
B) Activating Knowledge
C) Focus on Speaking
D) Focus on Language
E) Focus on Writing
  • 4. Gina is an Italian girl who takes a Commercial Correspondence course to become an Accountant. To write a collection letter (Ultimatum), she has to learn new vocabulary such as "Financial Statement", "Defaulter", "Due date", "Interest rate", "Legal measures", among others... Her teacher has the learners research two terms each and discuss the meaning in groups of three. Then, she provides three different sample letters to each group (one per student). The letters contain the target vocabulary as an example to use in future occasions. To which stage of CLIL does this activity belong?
A) Focus on Language
B) Focus on Writing
C) Activating Knowledge
D) Guiding Understanding
E) Focus on Speaking
  • 5. The students of Mr. Lee are in China. They watched a video on the process of mummification for their Chemistry class. They were assigned to take notes. Now they have to compare their notes and individually write an informative paper explaining the process and the effect of the chemical processes that the dead body suffered as a consequence of being exposed to the chemical components mentioned in the video. To which CLIL stage does this activity belong?
A) Guiding Understanding
B) Focus on Language
C) Focus on Speaking
D) Activating Knowledge
E) Focus on Writing
  • 6. Rick lives in Colombia and his High School pensum includes the Biology Class. His teacher, Mr. Martin, gave each group of three students a scale model of a cell. Such scale model has arrows indicating particular organelles. Each group of learners is supposed to label the indicated parts with a name and describe the use of each within the cell. One member of the group takes notes on what the name of each part is and the function it develops. The teacher picks each of the papers up and proceeds to the following stage. After the end of the lesson, learners will receive their initial papers back and check if what they predicted as names and functions is actually right or wrong. To which CLIL stage does this activity belong?
A) Focus on Speaking
B) Activating Knowledge
C) Focus on Writing
D) Guiding Understanding
  • 7. Which principle of CLIL is missing in the design of the following activity: "Technology students (in groups of four) are required to build a robot with LEGO parts and ready-made mechanisms. The students receive a set of instructions in chronological order and all they have to do is follow the steps. In order to accomplish the task, they read the instructions, assign roles, keep time, and assemble the robot according to instructions.
A) Culture is not Fostered
B) Cognition is very Low
C) Communication is Limited
D) Content is unclear
E) All of the other options.
  • 8. When a teacher designs activities that involve more teacher talk than learner talk... which principle of CLIL are we overlooking?
A) Culture
B) None of the options
C) Cognition
D) Communication
E) Content
  • 9. What principle of CLIL is missing in an activity that does no stimulate critical thinking and high-order thinking skills?
A) Cognition
B) Communication
C) None of the options
D) Content
E) Culture
  • 10. When an activity does not foster respect for others or does not invite the learner to recognize the value of his/her community or that of others... which CLIL principle is missing in such activity?
A) Content
B) Cognition
C) Communication
D) None of the options
E) Culture
  • 11. When an activity does not count with a particular topic, corresponding to a discipline or a specific area of studies, we can say that such activity misses...
A) Culture
B) Content
C) Communication
D) All of the above
E) Cognition
  • 12. The time that the CLIL teacher devotes to plan stages, generate or select resources, prepare questions, anticipate doubts, etc. is called...
A) Teacher Fun Time
B) Teacher Time to Plan
C) Teacher CLIL time
D) Teacher Thinking Time
E) Teacher Preparation Time
  • 13. We can say that the ZPD (Zone of Proximal Development) should be taken into account for...
A) designing fun activities for bored learners.
B) determining the level of difficulty of a task or activity.
C) helping students with different abilities.
D) delivering, instructioning, and evaluating content.
E) planning, executing, and assessing cultural awareness.
  • 14. The stage of CLIL that can focus on pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, intonation, sequences, etc. is....
A) Activating Knowledge
B) Focus on Speaking
C) Focus on Language
D) Guiding Understanding
E) Focus on Writing
  • 15. The main aim of CLIL is to...
A) challenge the cognitive level of the learner.
B) establish a new trend in ELT.
C) teach a subject-area in a target language.
D) develop content though language.
E) develop language acquisition through content.
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