Quiz 3 Reproduction and Genetics
  • 1. The transfer of genes from parents to their offspring is known as
A) heredity
B) differentiation
C) immunity
D) evolution
  • 2. The function of most proteins depends primarily on the
A) environment of the organism
B) type and order of amino acids
C) availability of starch molecules
D) nutritional habits of the organism
  • 3. In order to produce the first white marigoldflower, grower began with the lightest yellow flowered
    marigold plants. After crossing them,these plants produced seeds, which were planted, and only the offspring with very light yellow flowers were used to produce the next generation. Repeating this process over many years, growers finally produced a marigold flower that is considered the first white variety of its species. This procedure is known as
A) differentiation
B) cloning
C) gene insertion
D) selective breeding
  • 4. Chromosomes can be described as
A) reproductive cells composed of molecular bases
B) folded chains of bonded glucose molecules
C) large molecules that have only one function
D) coiled strands of genetic material
  • 5. The headline “Improved Soybeans Produce Healthier Vegetable Oils” accompanies an article describing how a biotechnology company
    controls the types of lipids (fats) present in soybeans. The improved soybeans are most likely being developed by the process of
A) genetic engineering
B) natural selection
C) asexual reproduction
D) habitat modification
  • 6. Which statement indicates one difference between the gene that codes for insulin and the gene that codes for testosterone in humans?
A) The gene for insulin is a sequence of five different molecular bases while the gene for testosterone is a sequence of only four differentmolecular bases.
B) The gene for insulin has a different sequence of molecular bases than the gene for testosterone.
C) The gene for insulin is turned ON in liver cells, but the gene for testosterone is not
D) The gene for insulin is replicated in vacuoles, while the gene for testosterone is replicated in mitochondria
  • 7. Cells that develop from a single zygote all contain identical DNA molecules. However, some of these cells will develop differently
A) different groups of cells containing the DNA may be exposed to different environmental conditions, for example, more food for one but not the other
B) DNA is functional in only 10% of the cells of the body
C) some of the DNA in some of the cells will be removed by chemical reactions
D) only the DNA in certain cells will replicate
  • 8. Which sequence represents the correct order of processes that result in the formation and development of an embryo?
A) fertilization → mitosis → meiosis
B) fertilization → meiosis → mitosis
C) meiosis → fertilization → mitosis
D) mitosis → fertilization → meiosis
  • 9. The sequence of events occurring in the life cycle of a bacterium is as follows:
    (A) The bacterium copies its single chromosome.
    (B) The copies of the chromosome attach to the cell membrane of the bacterium.
    (C) As the cell grows, the two copies of the chromosome separate.
    (D) The cell is separated by a wall into equal halves.
    (E) Each new cell has one copy of the chromosome.This sequence most closely resembles the process of
A) mitotic cell division
B) recombination
C) meiotic cell division
D) zygote formation
  • 10. Variation in the offspring of sexually reproducing organisms is the direct result of
A) sorting and recombining of genes in meiosis
B) overproduction of offspring and competition
C) replication and cloning
D) the need to adapt and maintain homeostasis
  • 11. In 1993, there were only 30 panthers in Florida. They were all closely related and many had reproductive problems. To avoid extinction and restore health to the population, biologists introduced 8 female panthers from Texas. Today, there are more than 80 panthers in Florida and most individuals have healthy reproductive systems. The success of this program was most likely due to the fact that the introduced females
A) mated only with panthers from Texas
B) produced more reproductive cells than the male panthers in Texas
C) solved the reproductive problems of the species by asexual methods
D) increased the genetic variability of the panther population in Florida
  • 12. An error in genetic information present in a body cell of a mammal would most likely produce
A) an adaptation that will be passed on to other types of cells in the body
B) rapid evolution of the organism in which the cell is found
C) increased variation in the type of organelles present in the cell
D) a mutation that will affect the synthesis of a certain protein in the cell but not the offspring
  • 13. The least genetic variation will probably be found in the offspring of organisms that reproduce using
A) mitosis to produce a larger population
B) internal fertilization to produce an embryo
C) meiosis to produce gametes
D) fusion of eggs and sperm to produce zygotes
  • 14. A tree produces only seedless oranges. A small branch cut from this tree produces roots after it is planted in soil. When mature, this new tree will most likely produce
A) oranges with seeds, only
B) oranges and other kinds of fruit
C) a majority of oranges with seeds and only a few oranges without seeds
D) oranges without seeds, only
  • 15. Which statement about embryonic organ development in humans and the health of the parent is accurate?
A) It is affected primarily by the eating habits and general health of the mother.
B) It is affected primarily by the eating habits and general health of the father.
C) It will not be affected by any medication taken by the mother
D) It is not affected by conditions outside the embryo.
  • 16. Which statement indicates that different parts of the genetic information are used in different kinds of cells, even in the same organism?
A) Offspring have a combination of genes from both parents.
B) Replicated chromosomes separate during gamete formation.
C) As an embryo develops, various tissues and organs are produced.
D) The cells produced by a zygote usually have different genes.
  • 17. The film "I am Legend" is about
A) the strange effects mannequins can have on people
B) a virus aimed to cure cancer that mutates and causes humans to become monster-like
C) a cancer that mutates and becomes elegant and beautiful
D) a dog named Samantha and how she helps her owner overcome obstacles
  • 18. Mutations that occur in skin or lung cells have little effect on the evolution of a species because mutations in these cells
A) lead to more serious mutations in offspring
B) usually lead to the death of the organism
C) cannot be passed on to offspring
D) are usually beneficial to the organism
  • 19. Which statement correctly describes the genetic makeup of the sperm cells produced by a human male?
A) Each cell has half the normal number of chromosomes and the cells are usually genetically identical.
B) Each cell has half the normal number of chromosomes and the cells are usually genetically different.
C) Each cell has pairs of chromosomes and the cells are usually genetically different.
D) Each cell has pairs of chromosomes and the cells are usually genetically identical.
  • 20. A certain bacterial colony originated from the division of a single bacterial cell. Each cell in this colony will most likely
A) synthesize the same proteins and enzymes as the entire colony is cloned from the original
B) have a resistance to different antibiotics
C) replicate different numbers of genes
D) express adaptations unlike (different than) those of the other cells
  • 21. Removal of one ovary from a human female would most likely
A) affect the production of eggs
B) decrease her ability to provide essential nutrients to an embryo
C) make carrying a fetus impossible
D) make fertilization impossible
  • 22. The fetus receives its nutrients from the mother through the
A) estrogen
B) progesterone
C) ovary
D) placenta
  • 23. Birth Control Pills for women work in preventing pregnancies in that these pills
A) carry progesterone and fool the mother's body into thinking it is already pregnant
B) are easily digestable
C) provide plenty of testosterone for her well-being
D) are made up of nutrient-rich sugars
  • 24. Some human white blood cells help destroy pathogenic bacteria by
A) causing mutations in the bacteria
B) engulfing (devouring) and digesting the bacteria whole
C) inserting part of their DNA into the bacterial cells
D) producing toxins that compete with bacterial toxins
  • 25. HIV is harmful because it
A) automatically causes AIDS
B) provides immediate immunity to other diseases
C) it takes a very long time to begin injecting its viral RNA code into the hosts' cells
D) hijacks cells into making more viruses leaving the host defenseless to disease
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