  • 1. Cracks in the earth where rock is crushed and bent.
A) faults
B) p-lines
C) earthquakes
D) v-lines
  • 2. Area around the Pacific Ocean with lots of earthquake and volcano activity.
A) Pacific Ring
B) Earthquake Zone
C) Mt. Fuji
D) Ring of Fire
  • 3. The different plates on the earth are always moving by pushing and sliding against each other. This is called...
A) seismography
B) platology
C) continental drift
D) Pangea
  • 4. The instrument used to detect record the waves from an earthquake.
A) seismograph
B) neumograph
C) mercalli scale
D) richter scale
  • 5. Any kind of earthquake or volcanic activity on earth is called this...
A) subduction
B) seismic
C) flying plates
D) continental drift
  • 6. Which of the following was formed by volcanoes?
A) Hawaii
B) Africa
C) India
D) Greenland
  • 7. Where does the lava from volcanoes come from?
A) Igneous Rock
B) Mantle
C) Ocean
D) Sedimentary Rock
  • 8. This is used to measure how powerful an earthquake is.
A) Mercalli Scale
B) Richter Scale
C) Seismo Scale
D) Zonometer
  • 9. An earthquake of this magnitude would cause minor damage, but would probably not destroy any buildings
A) 9.1
B) 6.2
C) 7.3
D) 2.4
  • 10. What is the center point of an earthquake called?
A) epicenter
B) plate
C) fault
D) center line
  • 11. The name of the land mass that had all of the 7 continents together on it.
A) Elturo
B) Greek
C) Pangea
D) Palia
  • 12. True or False: Earthquakes can happen in Iowa
A) True
B) False
  • 13. This island nation recently had a 7.1 magnitude earthquake that left 1000s of people homeless and caused great tragedy.
A) Iceland
B) Haiti
C) Turkey
D) India
  • 14. What building in Istanbul, Turkey is one of the most earthquake proof buildings in the world?
A) airport
B) Hagia Sofia church
C) president's palace
D) bus station
  • 15. In what state would you most likely find buildings designed to have special modifications for earthquakes?
A) Kentucky
B) South Dakota
C) California
D) Vermont
  • 16. When two plates crash into each other, what is typically formed?
A) Rivers
B) Deserts
C) Mountains
D) Rain forests
  • 17. True or False: Earthquakes can happen in a rain forest biome.
A) True
B) False
  • 18. What is the best type of land to build on?
A) Landfill
B) Fault Zone
C) Bedrock
D) Marsh
  • 19. An earthquake in the ocean that produces large waves is called this.
A) Hurricane
B) Seismograph
C) Typhoon
D) Tsunami
  • 20. True or False: Large waves can destroy buildings.
A) True
B) False
  • 21. Plates that push together are called
A) Divergent
B) Convergent
C) Transform
  • 22. Plates that push apart are called
A) Convergent
B) Divergent
C) Transform
  • 23. Plates that slide past one another
A) Transform
B) Convergent
C) Divergent
  • 24. This type of land formation often forms around divergent plates
A) Islands
B) Mountains
C) Rift
  • 25. The continent that has the fewest number of major earthquakes is...
A) South America
B) Europe
C) Africa
D) North America
  • 26. Describe how the location of the sub-continent of India has changed over millions of years and what has formed as a result.
  • 27. If you were building an earthquake proof building, describe three features that you would add to it to make it stable.
  • 28. An earthquake that measured 2.0 on the Richter Scale...
A) Would cause minor damage to buildings
B) Would shake walls and knock things off tables
C) Would not be felt, but could be detected by a seismograph
D) Would cause major damage
  • 29. Describe the type of damage you might see in a city that encountered an earthquake of 8.6 on the Richter scale.
  • 30. Why did the earthquake in Nepal (7.2) cause so much damage while an earthquake of the same magnitude in California (7.2) caused much less damage.
  • 31. Describe the difference between P-waves and S-waves as they relate to earthquakes. You may use the internet to find the answer.
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