__ | 1. | Apple Pie | | A. | Popular dessert made from pumpkins |
__ | 2. | Family | | B. | Thanksgiving food can be baked or mashed |
__ | 3. | Native Americans | | C. | Bird eaten on Thanksgiving |
__ | 4. | Parade | | D. | Also known as dressing |
__ | 5. | Plymouth Rock | | E. | Long line of people marching down the street |
__ | 6. | Potatoes | | F. | People who first lived in America |
__ | 7. | Pumpkin Pie | | G. | People you are related to |
__ | 8. | Stuffing | | H. | Popular dessert made from apples |
__ | 9. | Thanksgiving | | I. | Where the pilgrims got off their ship |
__ | 10. | Turkey | | J. | Holiday when families eat together |