Real World Problems #1

Tori has 44 pictures on her instagram.  She has twice

as many color pictures as black and white pictures. 

How many color pictures does she have?

(Use x for your variable)
color pictures
= black and white pictures
= color pictures
= 44

Collins joined twitter 3 months ago.  Every month the

number of people following him has doubled.  He has

175 followers on Twitter.  How many followers did he

have at the end of the first month?

(Use x for your variable)


1st month + 2nd month + 3rd month = 175

= 1st month
2     = 2nd month

followers the first month

= 175
4      = 3rd month

Taylor and Peyton both worked last week. Taylor's

paycheck was $24 more than Peyton's.  Together they

made $294.  How much was each girl's paycheck?

(Use x for your variable.

Peyton's Check $
Taylor's Check $
= Peyton's Paycheck
= Taylor's Paycheck


Danny and Chan have spent 130 hours playing

the new Grand Theft Auto game.  Danny spent 10

hours less than Chan. How many hours did each

spend playing their new game?

 (use x for your variable)
= Hours Chan spent playing
hours Danny played
- 10 = Hours Danny spent playing
hours Chan played
2x -       = Amount Kathleen Spent

Kathleen spends $3 less than twice what Tyler spent 

in the vending machine last week.  They spent a total

of $12.  How much did each spend? 

(use x for your variable)

Tyler spent $
= Amount Tyler Spent

Kathleen spent $

Last week, Josh spent 1 hour less than 6 times as

much time at football practice than he did working on

History homework.  He worked a total of 13 hours. 

How much time did he spend at practice? 

(use x for your variable)

  x -       = Amount of time spent at football practice

hours spent at practice

= Amount of time spent working on History
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