Aesop Fables- Fox and the Crow
Aesop Fables
The Fox and
   the Crow
A coal-black crow once
stole a piece of meat.

She flew to a tree and
held the meat in her beak.


A fox, who saw her, wanted
the meat for himself, so he
looked up into the tree and
said "How beautiful you are,
my friend! Your feathers are
fairer than the dove's."

"Is your voice as sweet as
your form is beautiful?
If So, you must be the
queen of birds."

The crow was so happy in hearing
the fox's praise that she opened
her mouth to show how she could
sing. Down fell the piece of meat. 
The fox seized upon it and ran away.
Main Characters:
Main Characters:
Lesson Learned:
If you boast about yourself
     you may regret it.
Look before you leap
Don't count your chickens
     before they hatch
What adventure did the fox have?
The fox stole meat from the butcher
The fox stole meat from the crow
The fox snatched the crow from the tree
     and ate her.
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