Chinese Cinderella Vocabulary
  • 1. refuse to acknowledge
A) snub
B) ruse
C) fervently
D) pictorial
  • 2. pertaining to or consisting of pictures
A) pictorial
B) fervently
C) alight
D) ruse
  • 3. a sneaky trick or deception
A) ruse
B) akimbo
C) alight
D) fervently
  • 4. passionately, with great warmth or feeling
A) pretense
B) alight
C) fervently
D) akimbo
  • 5. to come to rest, settle
A) akimbo
B) scoffed
C) alight
D) pretense
  • 6. with hands on hips and elbows extending outward
A) maimed
B) scoffed
C) akimbo
D) pretense
  • 7. the act of giving a false appearance
A) maimed
B) pretense
C) scoffed
D) gawk
  • 8. to sigh with contempt or dislike
A) maimed
B) scoffed
C) gangplank
D) gawk
  • 9. badly injured, perhaps with amputation
A) maimed
B) gangplank
C) posh
D) gawk
  • 10. look with amazement; look stupidly
A) insolence
B) gawk
C) gangplank
D) posh
  • 11. a temporary bridge for getting on and off a vessel at dockside
A) posh
B) gangplank
C) chagrined
D) insolence
  • 12. elegant and fashionable
A) chagrined
B) insolence
C) steward
D) posh
  • 13. an offensive and disrespectful act
A) infantile
B) insolence
C) chagrined
D) steward
  • 14. cause to feel shame; hurt the pride of
A) ardently
B) chagrined
C) steward
D) infantile
  • 15. the ship's officer who is in charge of provisions and dining arrangements
A) infantile
B) ardently
C) permeated
D) steward
  • 16. indicating a lack of maturity
A) mill
B) ardently
C) infantile
D) permeated
  • 17. eagerness to do something in particular
A) permeated
B) ardently
C) mill
D) kowtow
  • 18. to penetrate or spread through
A) permeated
B) mill
C) snub
D) kowtow
  • 19. to move around with purpose
A) snub
B) kowtow
C) mill
D) pictorial
  • 20. a former Chinese custom of touching the ground with the forehead as a sign of respect or submission
A) snub
B) ruse
C) pictorial
D) kowtow
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