Renewable Energy Question Bank
  • 1. What happens that creates electricity?
A) centrinos move
B) neutrons move
C) electrons move
D) protons move
  • 2. Photovoltaic cells do this.
A) Store heat from the sun
B) Prevent the spread of bacteria
C) Take pictures of the sun
D) Transform the energy from the sun into electrical energy
  • 3. Which fossil fuel is most often used to heat homes?
A) Wind
B) Oil
C) Coal
D) Natural Gas
  • 4. Which of the following is one example of passive solar?
A) Sun shining through a window
B) Sun powering a photovoltaic cell
C) Electricity running through an appliance.
D) A solar water heater
  • 5. Which type of energy source can be utilized at any time?
A) Hydro Power
B) Solar Power
C) Wind Power
D) Coal Power
  • 6. You are at the climate conference in Copenhagen going on in December (55 degrees North latitude). In what direction and angle would you point your solar panels?
A) 70 degrees North
B) 40 degrees North
C) 40 degrees South
D) 70 degrees South
  • 7. You are standing on the ground, in full sun. The voltmeter hooked to your panel shows a reading of 3.45 volts. If you got on a 20 ft. roof and kept the solar panel pointed towards full sun what might you expect the voltage reading to be?
A) 4.51 volts
B) 3.23 volts
C) 3.82 volts
D) 3.45 volts
  • 8. Which of the following states is a leader electricity production from wind?
A) Texas
B) Ohio
C) Arkansas
D) Rhode Island
  • 9. The more common name for solar panels that produce electricity is?
A) Photovoltaics
B) Simple Cells
C) Photoelectrics
D) Photosolartics
  • 10. Photons of light knock lose these in a solar panel?
A) Protons
B) Silicons
C) Neutrons
D) Electrons
  • 11. Thin film photovoltaics are usually more efficient than standard photovoltaics.
A) True
B) False
  • 12. What is a disadvantage of vertical wind turbines?
A) They take up less space than horizontal turbines.
B) They generate electricity at lower wind speeds.
C) They generate less electricity compared to horizontal turbines.
D) They can function when mounted only 20 feet off the ground.
  • 13. Passive solar installations take the energy from the sun and...
A) Convert it to water
B) Convert it to heat
C) Convert it to sugar
D) Convert it to electricity
  • 14. Which of these are essential for producing electricity in a motor?
A) Gears to spin
B) All of the options
C) Wire Coils
D) Magnets
  • 15. Solar panels produce this type of current.
  • 16. This is the type of electricity that comes into our homes.
  • 17. If the efficiency of a solar panel is higher it will...
A) work in the night
B) get hotter than a less efficient panel
C) produce less electricity
D) produce more electricity
  • 18. You are in Omaha and it is 9:30 in the morning. In what direction would you point your solar panels to get the most energy?
A) Northwest
B) Southeast
C) Northeast
D) Southwest
  • 19. You live in the city and want to get a wind turbine installed at your home. Which would be the most practical?
A) Horizontal Turbine
B) Vertical Turbine
  • 20. Electrons are attracted to...
A) Centrinos
B) Protons
C) Neutrons
D) Other Electrons
  • 21. You are installing solar panels on the roof of JMSO. Tell where you would put them and explain why. Also, explain what other things we would need so that the school could actually use the electricity produced by the solar panels (think about the type of current)? (worth 8 points, 4 of the points are for covering each of the points and the other 4 are for complete sentences with capital letters and periods).
  • 22. What are the major advantages of solar and wind energy?
  • 23. Why would the solar panels in this picture not work well on the day the picture was taken? (1 point)
  • 24. Solar panels work better on 100 degree day than a 65 degree day.
A) True
B) False
  • 25. What should you hook up to solar panels so you can use the power generated from them with your household appliances?
A) Inverter
B) AC/DC Converter
C) Rotating panel
D) Thin Film
  • 26. What are some major advantages and disadvantages of solar energy compared to fossil fuels?
  • 27. If the temperature in July was 88 degrees and a solar panel produced 45 volts, what would you expect the voltage to be on a 30 degree day in December if the solar panels received the same amount of sun on both days?
A) 35 volts
B) 90 volts
C) 10 volts
D) 45 volts
E) 55 volts
  • 28. Which of the following points (in yellow) would be the best place to install solar panels at this school? Tell why you think this would be the best spot.
  • 29. Which wire combination would allow me to power a device that needs 6 volts?
A) Two 2 volt solar panels connected in parallel
B) Two 2 volt solar panels connected in series.
C) Two 3 volt solar panels wired in series
D) Two 3 volt solar panels wired in parallel
  • 30. (Watts=Volts x Amps) The refrigerator in my house require 45 watts of power to operate. I have solar panels that put out 10 volts and 3 amps. Explain why these solar panels will or will not power my refrigerator.
  • 31. True or False: Turbines with longer wind blades will typically generate more electricity.
A) False
B) True
  • 32. Why do wind turbines shut off during extremely high winds?
  • 33. You decide to pay $100,000 for a couple acres of farmland. Someone offers to put a wind turbine on your land. He says this turbine will generate about 7 kilowatt per year. You'll receive a paycheck of $15,000 for every 5 kilowatts generated. About how many years will it take before the initial investment of $100,000 is paid off? Hint: Start by finding how many kilowatts are produced to earn $100,000.
A) 11-12 years
B) 6-7 years
C) 19-20 years
D) 2-3 years
E) 4-5 years
  • 34. Which of the following is not an advantage of wind power?
A) They produce emissions free electricity (they don't pollute)
B) They are cost effective after initial startup
C) They can generate electricity at any time
D) Building and maintaining them provides jobs for people
  • 35. Which of the following would be the best place to start a wind farm (an area with many wind turbines) to get the best wind?
A) eastern Nebraska
B) west Texas
C) along the Oregon Coast
D) in the Rocky Mountains
E) along the border of Canada in North Dakota
  • 36. Explain why Nebraska does not have many wind farms and tell what could be done to help Nebraska have more wind farms. (This is a two part question worth 5 points)
  • 37. Which of the following is not necessary for a wind turbine to generate electricity?
A) Magnets
B) Coiled Wire
C) Wind
D) Blades
E) Photovoltaic motor
  • 38. You are doing an experiment with a model wind turbine, but it is not turning very fast. You have fixed everything but the gears of the turbine. Explain what you might do to the blades to make the turbine work better.
  • 39. Describe why it would be better to wire solar panels in parallel if you lived in an area that has hail storms.
  • 40. If you lived in Santiago, Chile, which is located at 33 degrees South latitude (Southern Hemisphere). What position and angle would you set the panels to in summer?
A) North, 48 degrees
B) North, 18 degrees
C) South, 48 degrees
D) South, 18 degrees
  • 41. An inverter does this:
A) Increases the amps
B) Converts DC to AC
C) Converts AC to DC
D) Decreases the voltage
  • 42. Describe how changing the angle of blades on a wind turbine can affect how much power it generates.
  • 43. What type of turbine (vertical or horizontal) would you put in a residential area? Tell why.
  • 44. Which fossil fuel pollutes the least?
A) Natural Gas
B) Oil
C) Coal
  • 45. Use the following to solve the problem: Force=Mass x Gravity (9.81) ------- Work = Force x Distance -------- Watts = Work / Time ------- If something has a mass of 1.4kg and moves a distance of 2 meters in 5 seconds - How much power did it generate?
  • 46. Which gear will move the fastest?
A) A
B) C
C) B
D) They will all move at the same speed.
  • 47. Which of the following points would be the best for solar at UNO? Explain why. Also tell which of the spots would be the worst and explain why.
  • 48. The city of Ankara, Turkey is located at approximately 38 degrees North latitude (Northern Hemisphere). At what angle should they point their solar panels in summer for maximum efficiency.
A) 23 degrees facing North
B) 38 degrees facing West
C) 58 degrees facing North
D) 53 degrees facing South
E) 23 degrees facing South
  • 49. My solar panels can generate 60 watts on a full sun day. The water pump it needs to power require 16 volts and 4 amps. Do I need to add more solar panels (Watts=VoltsxAmps)?
A) Nothing else is needed
B) Get rid of a panel or it might overpower the device.
C) Add another another panel
  • 50. Why is the blade on this wind turbine shaped the way it is?
  • 51. An inverter does not do this.
A) Convert DC to AC power
B) Convert AC to DC power
  • 52. Explain how this wind field is able to get .73 volts out of this wind field. Discuss blade design, wiring, and gears.
  • 53. If you lived in Perth, Australia which is located at 31 degrees South latitude (Southern Hemisphere) - what angle would you point solar panels in the winter?
A) 26 degrees pointing North
B) 46 degrees pointing North
C) 46 degrees pointing South
D) 26 degrees pointing South
  • 54. Bigger blades on a wind turbine will...
A) decrease the power
B) not work as well as small blades
C) increase the power
D) be somewhere in the middle
  • 55. Based on this map; which portion of the country would be the best to build solar (blues and greens are low solar levels)?
A) Southeast
B) Northwest
C) Northeast
D) Middle of Country
E) Southwest
  • 56. If someone asked you whether they should buy solar panels, what things would you tell them think about before they put them up. (Include equipment needed, building considerations, weather)
  • 57. Solar panels work better on warm sunny days than cold sunny days.
A) True
B) False
  • 58. Name two states from this map that would be good for wind power and explain why
  • 59. If you put a solar panel 20-30 ft. higher in the air, it will generate more power.
A) True
B) False
  • 60. At what blade angle should turbine blades be in extremely high winds or a storm?
A) 70
B) 0
C) 90
D) 10
  • 61. Nuclear power generates electricity from...
A) small explosions that push electrons
B) photons pushing electrons
C) heat from uranium rods that eventually spins a turbine
  • 62. Which two components in this diagram could you take out and still power the AC lightbulbs?
A) Solar Panel and Inverter
B) Inverter and Battery
C) Charge Controller and Battery
D) Solar Panel and Battery
E) Inverter and Charge Controller
  • 63. Describe how carbon relates to living things and global warming?
  • 64. Which has more potential energy - a 400 pound man on a 10 ft. ladder or a 100 woman on a 30 ft. ladder?
A) The man has more potential energy
B) They have the same potential energy
C) Their potential energy is 0 - they only have kinetic energy
D) The woman has more potential energy
  • 65. To find the voltage produced by a wind turbine you would...
A) Multiply the Amps and the Ohms (V=I*R)
B) Divide the amps and ohms (V=I/R)
C) Divide the Ohms by the Volts (V=R/I)
  • 66. Explain why the seasons change.
  • 67. Based on the picture, explain what time of day and season it is.
  • 68. Based on the picture, explain what time of day and season it is.
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