PRE-TEST: Grade 6 Science
Which bar of the graph represents the average life span of the cow?
A.  A
B.  B
C.  C
D.  D
A.  one
The picture shows the high tides on Earth.
How many high tides usually will occur at VirginiaBeach during any 24-hour period?
B.  two
C.  three
D.  four
Which of these best shows a change from solar
energy to chemical energy?
A.  Evaporation of water
B.  Heating of pavement
C.  Photosynthesis in leaves
D.  Formation of rainbows
Which of these have a positive charge and are
found in the nucleus of an atom?
A.  Neutrons
B.  Protons
C.  Electrons
D.  Elements
One complete revolution of Earth around the sunis equal to approximately one--
B.  Month
C.  Week
A.  Year
D.  Day
Which of these causes tides on the Earth?
A.  The tilt of the Earth's axis
B.  The revolution of the Earth around the sun
C.  Differences in wind speed around the Earth
D.  The gravitational pull of the moon
How far away is the mailbox from the truck onthe real street?
In the scale model below, one centimeter is equal toone meter.  The mailbox is 2 truck lengthsaway from the model truck.
A. 5 meters
C. 15 meters
B. 10 meters
D. 20 meters
A.  A proton
B.  A nucleus
C.  A neutron
D.  An electron
In this atomic model, point A represents--
Which model best shows the relationship between
the Earth, the moon, and the sun?
Which of these best shows that calcium is different
from all other elements?
A.  Its positive electrical charge
B.  Its presence in milk
C.  Its number of protons
D.  Its ability to combine with oxyen
A.  moon is in the new moon phase.
B.  moon is between the sun and the Earth.
C.  moon is in 1st quarter phase.
D.  moon is in full moon phase.
According to this
diagram, a lunar
eclipse occurs only 
when the --
A battery is placed inside a flashlight, and then the
flashlight is turned on.  The chemical energy of the
battery is changed into all of the following forms of
energy except--
A.  Electrical energy
B.  Heat energy
C.  Light energy
D.  Mechanical energy
Which of these would be different for an object if
measured on the Earth and the moon?
A.  Mass
B.  Weight
C.  Volume
D.  Density
A.  Mecanical energy to chemical energy
B.  Potential energy to kinetic energy
C.  Chemical energy to heat energy
D.  Solar energy to nuclear energy
Which type of energy change
is occurring in these
The amount of gravitational attraction between the
Earth and an object depends on the object's 
distance from the Earth and the object's --
A.  Shape
B.  Mass
C.  State of matter
D.  Size
Energy from the sun is distributed around Earth by--
A.  subduction and rift zones
B.  tectonic plates
C.  radiation and convection
D.  solar flares
A.  Humans had no interest in space exploration
B.  Reliable life-support systems were not yet 
C. Rockets flew too fast for human survival
D.  Humans could not withstand the force of takeoff
Early space flights were unmanned because --
How is solar energy transferred from the sun to 
the Earth?
A.  Radiation
B.  Convection
C.  Conduction
D.  Ultrasonic
Scientists have been able to find no atmosphere
around this planet because it has little gravity 
and is closest to the sun. 

The planet described is --
A.  Mercury
B.  Earth
C.  Venus
D.  Saturn
A compound is a molecule made up of atoms
from at least two elements.

Which of the following gases is a compound?
A.  Ozone (O3)
B.  Oxygen (O2)
C.  Methane (CH4)
D.  Nitrogen (N2)
The most distant place visited by manned
exploration outside Earth is --
A.  The sun
B.  The moon
C.  Venus
D.  Mars
Because it can be transported easily and converted
into other forms of energy, the energy form most
commonly used in households is --
A.  Chemical
B.  Nuclear
C.  Heat
D.  Electrical
Which of these shows the energy changes in the
correct order?
This flashlight uses three different forms of energy.
A.  Mechanical→Heat→Chemical
B.  Heat→Chemical→Light
C.  Electrical→Mechanical→Chemical
D.  Chemical→Electrical→Light
A.  orbits a star
B.  has collided with meteorites
C. has oceans and lakes
D.  makes up the majority of the mass of our         solar system
Earth is different from the other planets in our
solar system because it --
Use the scale to estimate the diameter of the average red blood cell.
A.  4-5 micrometers
B.  7-8 micrometers
C.  10-11 micrometers
D.  12-13 micrometers
The diagram represents five red blood cellsseen through a microscope.  The lines represent a scale also visible through themicroscope.  Each division on the scalerepresents one micrometer.
Because burning fossil fuels creates much pollution,
alternatives are being investigated.  What might 
limit the use of wind as a major energy source?
A. The strength of the wind varies from place to place and day to day.
B.  Wind machines have huge blades to capture the wind.
C.  Turbines and generators in the wind machine create electricity.
D.  Wind power does not create pollution.
Which of the following is an example of
kinetic energy?
A.  A baseball moving from the pitcher to the catcher
B.  A rock sitting on the top of a large hill
C.  A pendulum at the top of its swing
D.  A new flashlight battery
According to this chart, which planet will most
likely have the highest temperatures?
A.  Earth
B.  Mars
C.  Mercury
D.  Venus
Thunderstorms are associated with which one of
A.  Warm fronts
B.  High air pressure
C.  Cold fronts
D.  Nimbostratus clouds
Which of the following has the LEAST effect on 
lake water temperature?
A.  The depth of the water
B.  The angle of incoming sun rays
C.  The number of fish in the lake
D.  The lake's surface area
Fossil fuels such as gas, oil, and coal have what
kind of energy?
A.  Mechanical energy
B.  Chemical energy
C.  Electrical energy
D.  Nuclear energy
What type of energy does the windmill
use to do work?
A.  Mechanical
B.  Nuclear
C.  Chemical
D.  Electrical
Which of these is NOT one of the bodies of water
that Virginia's rivers drain into?
A.  Pacific Ocean
C.  North Carolina Sounds
B.  Chesapeake Bay
D.  Gulf of  Mexico
Which of these would be MOST LIKELY to bringclear sunny skies?
A.  Warm temperatures
B.  High air pressure
C.  Cool temperatures
D.  Low air pressure
Which of these would be the best model to use to 
study the cause of the moon's phase changes?
A group of people were concerned about a new
coal-burning power plant that might be built in their
neighborhood.  What is probably their main concern?
A.  Burning coal produces more heat than burning wood.
B.  The heat from burning coal can drive generators that 
          produce electricity.
C.  Burning coal produces sulfur dioxide, which contributes to
          acid rain.
D.  There is more coal in the earth than there is oil and gas.
During which phase does the moon receive sunlight
only on the side facing away from Earth?
A.  Full moon
B.  New moon
C.  Waxing gibbous
D.  Waning gibbous
As the energy needs for Virginia increase, new 
sources of energy are required to replace or
supplement the nonrenewable sources of 
energy now in use.  Two sources of energy that
are renewable and available in Virginia are --
A.  natural gas and wind power
B.  coal and hydropower
C.  petroleum and solar power
D.  wind power and solar power
A student makes a drawing of a carbon atom.
Which of these should the student show in 
the nucleus of the atom?
A.  Ions
B.  Protons
C.  Electrons
D.  Molecules
Clouds are formed when millions of drops of water
become suspended in the air.  Which of the following
is a step in the process of cloud formation?
A.  Expansion of cold air
B.  Formation of carbon dioxide
C.  Condensation of water vapor
D.  Breakdown of atmospheric ozone
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