A) a sequence of vocal symbols intended to share thoughts and ideas. B) a systematic means ofcommunicating ideas or feelings by the use of conventional signs, sounds, gestures, or marks having understood meanings. C) communication primarily among primates and mammals. D) a sequence of actions that humans carry out to learn from others. E) a process trough which people understand things.
A) difficulty in the process of developing a skill. B) innate ability to communicate. C) the transfer of information from one individual to another to preserve the species. D) Preparing fun activities that Ss like. E) Assisting the learner in the process of learning.
A) obtaining data from other humans through language. B) questioning, doubting, criticizing, investigating data and abilities. C) internalizing the sense of life and philosophy. D) Grasping, getting, obtaining or developing knowledge/skill/attitude. E) discovering the many things one can select in life.
A) the process of acquiring a foreign language through classes. B) the process with which we learn our mother tongue. C) the complicated vocal symbols acquired by babies without sense. D) any sound uttered by human offspring. E) the natural way of learning a second language.
A) the process of learning our first language for the second time with more detail to higher vocabulary and structure. B) the second language rules, skills, and processes. C) grasping and internalizing the culture of another country whose language is different to ours. D) the process of learning a language other than our native one. E) the second chance we have to learn a language in school or outside.
A) Noah Chomsky B) Jean Piaget C) Frederick Skinner D) Howard Gardner E) Carl Rogers
A) behavioristic B) meaningful C) mediation D) nativist E) cognitive
A) cognitive, thoughts B) repetition, practice C) affective, social D) stimulus, response E) relationship, webs
A) the brain has little or no role in the language learning process but that the social and affective factors have a determinant role. B) brains, social, affective, cultural, and psychological issues all play a role in the language learning process. C) the human brain can code, decode, combine, and relate different patterns with hundreds of pieces of language. D) humans learn better when they relate known information to new information, building webs of data. E) humans are a "tabula rasa" that can be filled with any information and taught any skill, language included.
A) constructivistic B) operant conditioning C) nativist D) cognitive E) experiential
A) assign homework and carefully check it. B) help learners learn C) make learners happy D) design and carry out many activities. E) share anecdotes and personal information to illustrate topics.
A) universal grammar B) first language acquisition C) generative linguistics D) communicative teaching E) second language acquisition
A) Nativist Approach to ELT B) Meaningful Learning Approach C) Constructivistic Approach D) Behavioristic Approach to ELT E) Functional Approach to ELT
A) performance B) discourse C) input D) competence E) production |