3D Edutech Quiz - Teachers' Math Test 1
  • 1. There are 32 coloured balls in a basket. 20 of the balls are blue and the rest are red. How many red balls are there?
  • 2. Kafilat is arranging books on a shelf. She has 47 books to arrange and she has arranged 21. How many more books does she have to arrange?
  • 3. If 13th of August is Monday, what day of the week is 21st of August? Begin your answer in capital letter.
  • 4. Aramide has 36 candies. She shares them equally among herself and 3 of her friends. How many candies did each person get?
  • 5. Hikmat brought 18 eggs to school for cookery practical. 5 of the eggs were cracked. How many eggs were not cracked?
  • 6. Yusuf has 13 pencils. Shehu gives him 10 more pencils. Now that he has many pencils, he gives Abdul Qudus 6 pencils. How many pencils does he have left?
  • 7. Hafsat thinks of a number. Then she adds 5 to it. The answer is 23. What number did she think of?
  • 8. There are 12 erasers in a packet. How many erasers are there in 4 packets?
  • 9. What number comes next in the series? 24, 28, 32, _______
  • 10. What number comes next in the series? 69, 66, 63, ________
  • 11. Vivian is 8 years older than Abdullah. If Vivian was born in 1990, in what year was Abdullah born?
  • 12. Deborah spent less money than Biodun but more money than Jackson. Who spent the most money?
  • 13. Rahmat lives closer to the school than Shakirat but farther from the school than Binta. Who lives farthest from the school?
  • 14. The Maths workbook is shorter than the Science textbook but longer than the English textbook. Which book is the shortest?
A) Science
B) Maths
C) English
  • 15. Didier does not swim faster than Tajudeen. Sheriffdeen swims slower than Didier. Who swims slower, Tajudeen or Sheriffdeen?
  • 16. Imaad School bus picks up 16 pupils from Ajah and 11 pupils from Badore. How many pupils does the bus pick in all?
  • 17. Before the recent housing boom in Bakare Estate, there were 38 houses in the estate. Now there are 89 houses. How many new houses were built?
  • 18. There are 20 seats in a cinema. Each seat can contain 5 people. How many people can the cinema contain in all?
  • 19. There are 16 pupils in Patricia's class and 6 pupils in Qudrat's class. By how many are Patricia's pupils more than Qudrat's?
  • 20. Rashidat shares 45 notebooks equally among the 9 pupils in her class. How many notebooks will each pupil get?
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