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Chapter 9 Social Studies Test
供稿人: Molnar
  • 1. The Articles of Confederation and the Iroquois League were similar in that they both
A) Brought together different groups of people
B) Were headed by women
C) Stated people's desires to declare war on Britain
D) Had a President
  • 2. Which of these helps to keep one branch of government from gaining more power than another?
A) The electorial college
B) a system of checks and balances
C) the Twenty-Fifth Comprimise
D) The Bourne Identity
  • 3. When the people elect representatives to run the country, it is called a ________________________
A) Northwest Ordinance
B) slave state
C) a national court system
D) republic
  • 4. The Supreme Court is part of the
A) Executive Branch
B) Electorial College
C) Legislative Branch
D) Judicial Branch
  • 5. Which of these was a part of the national government under the Articles of Confederation?
A) a national legislature
B) a grand old flag
C) a king
D) a queen
  • 6. The executive branch is responsible for carrying out the nation's _________________
A) coins and money
B) laws
C) taxes
D) census
  • 7. Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress has the authority to _________________
A) build bridges
B) print money
C) elect a king or queen
D) raise taxes
  • 8. This determines how many representatives a state will have in the House of Representatives
A) The amount of rich families in the state
B) the average height of the people in the state
C) whatever Brittany's D.A.R.E Report says there should be
D) The population of the state
  • 9. Setting up a system so that new states could be formed was the purpose of the ______________________
A) The Preamble to the Constitution
B) Annapolis Convention
C) Northwest Ordinance
D) Articles of Confederation
  • 10. Each state has __________ senators
A) 3
B) 1
C) 2
D) 4
  • 11. Which of these was a result of the Annapolis Convention of 1786?
A) Each state started printing its own money
B) Congress created a new national army
C) The Articles of Confederation were written
D) Congress called the Constitutional Convention
  • 12. The Three-fifths Comprimise that was reached at the Constitutional Convention involved the :
A) number of houses of Congress to be created
B) amount of power that was given to the national government
C) counting of slaves for the purposes of representation and taxation
D) number of British citizens allowed to live in the United States
  • 13. The Delegates to the Constitutional Convention met in
A) Boston
B) Philadelphia
C) Narnia
D) New York
  • 14. In a federal system of government, power and authority
A) are given to the states
B) belong only to the people of the states
C) are shared by the national and state governments
D) are given to the cities
  • 15. The slave trade would be stopped under the
A) Virginia Plan
B) Northern Plan
C) New Jersey Plan
D) Southern Plan
  • 16. Slaves would not be included in state population counts under the
A) Southern Plan
B) Northern Plan
C) New Jersey Plan
D) Virginia Plan
  • 17. The number of representatives from each state would be based on state population under the
A) New Jersey Plan
B) Virginia Plan
C) Northern Plan
D) Southern Plan
  • 18. Each state would have the SAME number of representatives to Congress under this plan
A) Northern Plan
B) Southern Plan
C) New Jersey Plan
D) Virginia Plan
  • 19. Slaves would be INCLUDED in state population counts
A) Northern Plan
B) New Jersey Plan
C) Southern Plan
D) Virginia Plan
  • 20. The slave trade would NOT be stopped
A) New Jersey Plan
B) Southern Plan
C) Justin Bieber Plan
D) Northern Plan
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