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Ch. 5 Founding Colonies
供稿人: Beacham
  • 1. Even though Samuel de Champlain and Henry Hudson never found the Northwest Passage, what important accomplishment did they achieve?
A) They worked for France and Holland.
B) They founded the colonies of New France and New Netherlands.
C) They claimed land.
D) They explored rivers in North America.
  • 2. Massachusetts Bay, Connecticut, Rhode Island, & New Hampshire are
A) Southern colonies
B) New England colonies
C) Dutch colonies.
D) Middle colonies
  • 3. Why is John Cabot important?
A) He was born in Italy.
B) He was an explorer.
C) He sailed for England.
D) He was the first explorer to reach the mainland of North America.
  • 4. After surviving a harsh winter, who helped the Pilgrims adjust to their new home?
A) Samoset and Squanto
B) Chief Powhatan and Pocohontas
C) William Bradford and Massasoit
D) John Smith and John Rolfe
  • 5. What made the Massachusetts Bay Colony grow?
A) Ship building, fishing, and farming
B) Fur trading, fishing, and house building
C) Fishing, trading, and gold
D) Fur trading, ship building, and fishing
  • 6. How did the Puritan colony avoid starvation like so many other colonies had experienced?
A) They decided to travel during the summer, so that they would arrive well before the harsh winter.
B) They had Native American friends who had planted crops and built shelters for them before they arriv
C) They prayed a whole bunch.
D) They learned lessons from the hardships faced by early settlers and planned their settlement.
  • 7. What was unique about Dutch owned New Amsterdam?
A) The colony was on the Hudson River.
B) They farmed.
C) The colony had a very diverse population of people from many different countries.
D) Settlers made the town thrive.
  • 8. How was the Mayflower Compact like the House of Burgesses?
A) It was a document written by settlers.
B) It was a piece of paper that members signed.
C) It was another example of self-government in the colonies.
D) It excluded women from participating.
  • 9. The Puritan’s built the very first ---- in the English colonies.
A) private church
B) private school
C) public school
D) public church
  • 10. Who raised money to establish the settlement of Jamestown?
A) Sir Walter Raleigh
B) King James I
C) The Virginia Company of London
D) John Smith
  • 11. What are the three regions of the 13 Colonies?
A) New France, Southern, Middle
B) Southern, Middle, New England
C) New France, New Netherlands, New England
D) Middle, Southern, New Netherlands
  • 12. What is the main reason for the establishment of most New England colonies?
A) Fur trading
B) Ship building
C) Farming
D) Religious freedom
  • 13. Why did the Massachusetts Bay Colony force Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson to leave?
A) They thought they were more important than other Puritan leaders.
B) They caused problems for the Puritans.
C) They wanted to create their own religion.
D) They disagreed with many of the Puritan beliefs.
  • 14. What was the main reason England wanted to establish colonies in North America?
A) They wanted to be powerful.
B) They wanted to explore.
C) They wanted to find gold, and other natural resources.
D) They wanted to take over Spain.
  • 15. Why did the two attempts to establish a colony on Roanoke Island fail?
A) Supplies ran out.
B) The war between Spain and England prevented the settlers from receiving more supplies.
C) Settlers faced a tough winter and were starving.
D) All three of these answers
  • 16. Who led the Puritans to found the Massachusetts Bay Colony and why?
A) John Smith; wealth and gold
B) Boston; growth
C) John Winthrop; religious freedom
D) William Bradford; religious freedom
  • 17. Who was the settler who raised tobacco, Virginia’s first “cash crop”?
A) Frances Drake
B) Sir Walter Raleigh
C) John Smith
D) John Rolfe
  • 18. New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, & Delaware are
A) Dutch colonies
B) Southern colonies
C) New England colonies
D) Middle colonies
  • 19. What colony did Roger Williams found and what did it offer settlers?
A) Massachusetts Bay Colony, Puritan faith
B) Delaware, good fishing
C) Connecticut, complete religious and political freedom
D) Rhode Island, complete religious freedom
  • 20. Which colonies are known as the “bread-basket” colonies?
A) Dutch colonies
B) Southern colonies
C) Middle colonies
D) New England colonies
  • 21. Why did the Pilgrims leave England?
A) To find their own place to live.
B) To help William Bradford.
C) To help the Virginia Company of London.
D) To start their own settlement so they could worship as they pleased.
  • 22. Who founded the colony of Connecticut and what was its purpose?
A) John Smith, wealth in farming
B) John Winthrop, religious freedom
C) Thomas Hooker, religious and political freedom
D) William Bradford, religious freedom
  • 23. Who took over Dutch owned New Amsterdam and what was it renamed?
A) France; New France
B) Spain; St. Augustine
C) England; New York.
D) Italy; New Rome
  • 24. William Penn established the colony of Pennsylvania in order for all people to
A) Farm the rich soil.
B) Live together in peace.
C) Worship as they wanted.
D) Go fishing.
  • 25. Who established the last of the 13 colonies and what was it called?
A) James Oglethorpe; Georgia
B) William Penn, Pennsylvania
C) King Charles II, South Carolina
D) Lord Baltimore, Maryland
  • 26. John Smith took over leadership of Jamestown because
A) He was the obvious person for the job.
B) Settlers were suffering from starvation and disease.
C) Chief Powhatan wouldn’t trade with the settlers.
D) Settlers were too busy looking for gold.
  • 27. Why was the Battle of the Spanish Armada important for England?
A) England could now forget about building colonies in North America.
B) England could now build a bigger and better fleet of ships.
C) England could keep on raiding Spanish ships for their gold and silver.
D) It established England as one of the world’s most powerful nations.
  • 28. Virginia, Maryland, North and South Carolina, & Georgia are
A) Southern colonies
B) Dutch colonies.
C) Middle colonies
D) New England colonies
  • 29. Why was Virginia’s House of Burgesses important?
A) It was established on July 30, 1619.
B) It was a group of members chosen to represent each district.
C) It was the first law making group in the English colonies. It began the tradition of self-government
D) It was in Virginia.
  • 30. Why did explorers want to find the Northwest Passage?
A) They wanted to see the other side of North America.
B) It would make it easier for ships to sail from Europe to Asia.
C) They wanted to become wealthy.
D) They wanted to create colonies.
  • 31. What did the Puritans hold at their meetinghouses?
A) Bible study and school meetings
B) Town meetings and school
C) School and religious services
D) Religious services and town meetings
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